Yuyu Rumpung

From wiki-indonesian-art
Yuyu Rumpung - one of the Alengka royal retainers
Yuyu rumpung 02.jpg

TitleYuyu Rumpung
Other names
Size70 cm
Personal dataYuyu Rumpung was one of the Alengka royal retainers.
AppearanceYuyu Rumpung is very powerful. It can live in water and land.
CollectionPrivate collection

Yuyu Rumpung - ... - Ramayana[edit | edit source]

Yuyu Rumpung is a crab-headed giant/yuyu. He was one of the Alengka royal retainers who was placed by Prabu Dasamuka in the ocean. When Rama and the Ramawijaya army of wanara soldiers were building an embankment for a bridge to cross their army to Alengka (Lanka), Yuyu Rumpung disrupted the construction of the bridge by collapsing the base of the embankment. As a result, many times Wadya Wanara built embankments, several times the embankments collapsed due to Yuyu Rumpung's actions.
What Yuyu Rumpung did was finally discovered by a monkey named Pramujabahu/Kapi Sarpacita who was carrying out an investigation.
An exciting war broke out. Prameya , who was pressed, on one occasion was able to wrap his tail around Yuyu Rumpung's body and pull him to the plain. Finally, Yuyu Rumpung died in battle with his head crushed.