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Wisnu - son of Batara Guru
Wisnu 02.jpg

TitleWisnu - (Sanghyang) - All stories
Other namesVishnu
Size60 cm
Personal dataWisnu is a son of Siwa (Batara Guru) and Dewi Uma. He is married to Dewi Petriwi. Their children are Sri Unon, Srijadi and Srigati.
AppearanceIncarnations: Arjuna Sasra Bahu, Rama Parasu, Suwanda, Rama, Arjuna, Kresna. Wisnu and his incarnations Arjuna SB and Kresna can turn themselves into a terrible demon. This power is called Triwikrama.
CollectionPrivate collection

Wisnu - (Sanghyang) - all stories

Lord Vishnu is a God, the son of Lord Guru. Its subtlety drips, manifesting itself in kings and knights. Hyang Vishnu was once also a king on this earth as an ordinary human being enthroned in Purwacarita with the title of Sri Maharaja Budakresna.
Those who receive the incarnation of Hyang Vishnu become powerful and alert people. Those who received the incarnation of Vishnu were: 1. Prabu Arjunasasrabau from Maespati, 2. Patih Suwanda in Maespati, 3. Sri Rama, 4. Arjuna and. 5. Prabu Kresna, Incarnation also occurred after the Purwa era, namely to Prabu Jayabaya in Kediri.
When this God was born, the earth was affected until it shook, until Betara Guru fell and fell.
When he was an adult, he married Dewi Setyabama, the daughter of Hyang Pancaresi. Hyang Vishnu could Tiwikrama, that means he could become an infinitely large giant and had a very powerful chakra weapon. The magic power and chakra weapons were used by the incarnations of Vishnu as proof that they were indeed the incarnations of Hyang Vishnu who was the principal who started the Pendawa lineage and he was related to Hyang Brama.

Sang Hyang Vishnu has knitted eyes, a sharp nose, a slightly upturned face, which indicates that he has a loud voice. Crowned with a three-tiered jamang, rear-mounted garuda and waderan editing. Some of his hair was loose. Dressed in priest's clothes and cloth.

The keris is tucked in the front, as is the case with the clothes of the gods. Bracelet, pontoh, beakeroncong and shod. The origin of Hyang Vishnu's receipt of the Wijayakusuma flower was when he was about to marry Goddess Pertiwi who asked him to be honest with the Wijayakusuma flower. Originally the flower was owned by Begawan Kesawasidi. That is, when Hyang Vishnu was going to marry Dewi Pertiwi, the flower was borrowed by Hyang Wisnu to be used as an honesty. The request was granted. But to be complete, whoever owns the flower must also own the skin and the skin is owned by King Wisnudewa from the Garbapitu country. The flower skin that was in the mouth of a bull (black ox) could be snatched by Hyang Vishnu from the bull's mouth. Hyang Vishnu's marriage was granted because he could carry out the truth that was asked for. According to Sala customs, when there was still a king there, the picking of Wijayukusuma flowers from Nusakambangan Island was carried out by a cleric on the king's orders.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982