
From wiki-indonesian-art
Pancawala ... son of King Yudistira
Pancawala 02 - 590.jpg

TitlePancawala - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other names...
Size60 cm
Personal dataPancawala is the son of King Yudistira from his marriage to Goddess Draupadi. He became the adopted child of Wrekodara. Roman's face is similar to Wrekodara. Pancawala married his cousin, namely Princess Arjuna, Pregiwati. Pregiwati is the younger sister of Pregiwa who became the wife of Gatotkaca, son of Bimasena.
AppearanceRaden Pancawala has narrow eyes, a pointed nose and a calm face. The hair has a rough parting, is decorated with a garuda on the back and is trimmed with waders. Crowned knight (crescent). Berkatong Cloth (Government).
CollectionPrivate collection

Pancawala - (Raden) - Mahabharata

Pancawala's role in the Mahabharata when compared to other Pandava sons is indeed small. However, Pratiwindya, son of Yudhistira, succeeded in killing Dursasanaputera who ended Abimanyu's life in the great war at Kurukhsetra.

In the Baratayuda war he was killed by Ashwatthama while he was sleeping. So Pancawala's mother cried because she regretted that she had not died in the war, while the Baratayuda War was going on at that time.
After the war ended, Aswatama, who was on the Korawa side, infiltrated the Pandava camp. In the camp, Ashwatthama killed Drestadyumna, the prince of the Pancala kingdom. He found five men asleep, thinking that the five were Pandavas, Ashwatama immediately killed them. Ashwatama also killed Srikandi, one of Arjuna's wives.
It turned out that the five people killed by Aswatama while sleeping were not Pandavas but Pancawala. In wayang, especially Javanese wayang, Pancawala is not five people, but only one person, namely the son of Yudhistira and Drupadi.

Blog: Hadisukirno - Yogyakarta - 2012