Title | Nagagini - (Dewi) - Mahabharata |
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Size | 60 cm |
Personal data | Dewi Nagagini is the daughter of Hyang Anantaboga (the Snake God) with Goddess Supreti from heaven Saptapratala. She is an angel. Dewi Nagagini has a younger sibling named Bambang Nagatatmala. Dewi Nagagini married Bima/Werkundara, one of the five Pandava knights, son of Prabu Pandu, king of Astina, with consort Dewi Kunti. From that marriage a son was born named Arya Anantareja. |
Appearance | Goddess Nagagini has the characteristics and character of loyal and very devoted. She loves fellow creatures and likes to help. Dewi Gagagini has stitched eyes, a high nose, smiling lips, an upturned face, a big bun, the name of the bun shape. Wearing a crown, a waderan hairstyle, with a cloth covering her back and wearing shoes to indicate that she is a kind of angel. |
Collection | Private collection |
Nagagini - (Dewi) - Mahabharata
Dewi Nagagini and Bima (Werkundara) met when the Pandava family and Dewi Kunti, in an effort to save themselves from a murder plot by the Kaurava family in the amber house incident in the Wanayasa forest (the "Bale Sigala-gala" incident), arrived at Kahyangan Saptapratala.
When the Pandawa in the Balesegala-gala play were tricked by the Kauravas and trapped in a burning building, where a banquet was being held, the Pandawa were unable to escape from this dangerous situation.
Thanks to the generosity of the Gods, the Pandawa managed to escape into the earth by following a white Garangan (a type of civet), until they met Hyang Antaboga. Then Raden Bratasena, the second Pendawa, was married to Dewi Nagagini and had a son, Raden Antareja or Antasena.
Antareja and his mother remained in Saptapratala, because they were classified as Gods and Goddesses and had to settle there.
Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka – 1982