
From wiki-indonesian-art
Hanila - General of the monkey army
Hanila 02.jpg

TitleHanila - (Kapi) - Ramayana
Other namesAnila
Size60 cm
Personal data...
AppearanceGeneral of the monkey army that fights Rahwana.
CollectionPrivate collection

Hanila - (Kapi) – Ramayana

When Hanoman faced Batara Guru to be acknowledged as his son, Batara Narada laughed and made fun of Batara Guru. Batara Guru, who felt he was being insulted, then took an indigo leaf (sapodilla) and threw it at Batara Narada's back. The indigo leaf became a monkey with a short body and dark blue fur that stuck to Batara Narada's back.

At that time, Batara Narada, who really hated monkeys, asked Batara Guru for forgiveness so that the monkey could be taken off his back. Then Batara Guru told him how to release the monkey from Batara Narada's back, namely by recognizing the monkey as his son. Finally Batara Narada was willing to recognize the monkey as his son.

All the gods present in the meeting laughed at the incident. Batara Narada demanded from Batara Guru to order all the other gods to worship their monkeys as Batara Narada had done. After seven days later, the monkeys worshiped by the gods were finally born. As for the monkeys, they include Kapi Sempati worshiped by Batara Indra , Kapi Anggeni worshiped by Batara Brahma , Kapi Menda, Kapi Baliwisata, and Kapi Anala worshiped by Batara Yamadipati and so on that reach hundreds of monkeys. The monkeys were then sent to the monkey king in Kiskenda Cave under the leadership of Anila. In the Kiskenda Cave Kingdom, Anila was appointed governor and art expert along with Kapi Nala and Kapi Anala.

Kapi Anila became a hero after successfully killing Patih Prahasta (Patih Dasamuka ) from Alengka by smashing his head against a stone monument on the border of the Alengka Kingdom. The stone monument is actually the incarnation of Dewi Indradi who was cursed by her husband, namely Resi Gotama , during the Cupu Manik Astagina incident. Using the stone monument to crush Patih Prahasta's head, Anila accidentally freed Dewi Indradi from her curse, so that she returned to being an angel and returned to heaven.

Anila is one of the characters that appears in the Ramayana epic. He is one of the chosen Wanara soldiers when she helps Rama free Sinta from Rahwana's captivity. In the search for Sinta, Anila plays an important role, especially in the construction of the Situbanda bridge, he designed the structure of the bridge.

In the story of Rama Tambak (Rama builds a bridge across the ocean to reach Alengka Kingdom), Anila lead millions of monkeys in the construction of the bridge. During the war between Rahwana and Rama (the fall of Alengka kingdom), Anila killed the giant Prahastha, who also happened to be the assistant to king Rahwana. The fight between Anila and Prahastha was continued for many days, and because of the difference in size between the monkey and giant, Anila was struggling to match the strength of Prahastha. He lured Prahastha into chasing him up a long hill, but instead of Prashastha became very tired, Anila became very tired. When Prahastha was just about to kill him, Anila used his last vestige of strength to grab a statue of lady Wuryansari (statue of King Sugriwa’s mother) and hit Prahastha over the head with it. Prahastha was finally killed by Anila, and the curse put on Wuryansari (cause her became statue) by her husband, Priest Gotama was finally broken, freeing the soul of Wuryansari.

Blog: Hadisukirno – Yogyakarta - 2012