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Drestajumena - son of Prabu Drupada
Drestajumena 02 - 377-3.jpg

TitleDrestajumena - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other namesArya Campala, Dupadraputra
Size60 cm
Personal dataArya Drestajumena or Trustajumena was the youngest son of Prabu Drupada, king of the Pancala country with his consort Dewi Gandawati, daughter of Prabu Gandabayu and Dewi Gandini. Arya Drestajumena has two older siblings, each named; Dewi Draupadi, wife of King Yudhistira, king of Amarta, and Dewi Srikandi, wife of Arjuna. Arya Drestajumena married Dewi Suwarni, daughter of Prabu Hiranyawarma, king of the Dasarna country. From this marriage he had two sons named; Drestaka and Drestara.
AppearanceArya Drestajumena has a handsome face, has a courageous, smart, agile and trenginas character.
CollectionPrivate collection

Drestajumena - (Raden) - Mahabharata

It is said that Arya Drestadyumna was born from a censer as a result of Prabu Drupada's worship of the Gods who wanted a son who could destroy Rishi Drona who had defeated and insulted him. Arya Drestajumena took part in the Bharatayuda war. He appeared as a Pandawa war senapati, facing a Kaurava war senapati, namely Resi Durna. At that time, the spirit of Ekalaya, the king of the Paranggelung country who wanted revenge on Resi Drona, infiltrated Arya Drestajumena. After going through a fierce battle, finally Resi Durna was destroyed by Arya Drestajumena by having her neck cut off. Arya Drestajumena died after the end of the Bharatayuda war. Arya Drestajumena was killed by Aswatama, the son of Resi Drona, who managed to infiltrate Astina's palace in an attempt to kill Parikshit's baby.

Raden Drustajumna
Raden Drustajumna, son of King Drupada from the country of Cempalareja. He was a brave knight and took part in the Bharatayuda War. He appeared as the commander of the Pandawa, opposite the Kurawa warrior Resi Durna. At that moment, the spirit of Ekalaya, the king of Paranggelung, who wanted to take revenge on Resi Drona, infiltrated Arya Drestajumena. After enduring a fierce battle, the Resi Durna was finally killed by Arya Drestajumena by beheading him.
However, Drustajumna's actions were criticized and considered insulting to the rank of a priest who was the teacher of all of Pendawa and Korawa. Drustajumna was killed by Aswatama, son of Resi Drona, after the Baratayuda war. His head was cut off while he was sleeping as revenge for his actions against Drona and also as a child's revenge against his father. Priest Durna in wayang is generally considered a despicable figure because of his siding with the Korawa. But in fact he was a highly knowledgeable priest who was feared by the Pendawa and Korawa, because he was a teacher of all Pendawa and Korawa.

Raden Drustajumna has squinty eyes, a pointed hood, and a slightly raised face. Messy bun. Bejamang with the eagle facing away. Edited waderen. Practice. Stretching necklace. Ringing, popping and curling. Rattan fabric.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982