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Dewi Draupadi ... eldest daughter of Prabu Drupada
Draupadi 02 - 601-2.jpg

TitleDraupadi - (Dewi) - Mahabharata
Other namesDrupadaputri, Kresni, Panduputra-dawita, Putri Campala, Sairandi
Size60 cm
Personal dataDewi Draupadi or Dewi Kresna and also known as Pancali (Mahabharata) is the eldest daughter of Prabu Drupada, king of the land of Pancala, with consort Dewi Gandawati, daughter of Prabu Gandabayu and Dewi Gandini. Dewi Draupadi has two younger siblings named: Dewi Rikandi and Arya Drestadyumna. Dewi Draupadi is always devoted to her husband. According to Javanese puppetry, Dewi Draupadi is married to Prabu Yudhistira/Puntadewa, the king of Amarta, and has the son of Pancawala. Meanwhile, according to the Mahabharata, Dewi Draupadi married five Pandawa warriors: Yudhistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadewa. From this marriage she had five sons, namely; 1.Partawindya from Yudhistira. 2. Srutasoma from Bima. 3. Srutakirti of Arjuna 4. Srutanika from Nakula 5. Srutawarman from Sahadeva.
AppearanceDewi Draupadi has a very beautiful face, noble, wise, patient, conscientious and loyal. She was a modest person and always thought about the fate of the Pendawa.
CollectionPrivate collection

Draupadi - (Dewi) - Mahabharata[edit | edit source]

Draupadi or Drupadi was the eldest daughter of Prabu Drupada, king of the land of Pancala or Cempalaradya. She has other names, namely Dewi Krisna and Dewi Pancali. Draupadi is said to have been born as a result of the Putrakama Yadnya, namely the ritual of begging for a son carried out by King Drupada. It is said that Drupada was humiliated by Drona. To take revenge, Drupada held the Putrakama Yadnya. The son or daughter who is born will be used to take revenge on Drona. From this ceremony, a son was born who was named Drestadyumna and a daughter named Draupadi.

After Draupadi grew up, her father, Prabu Drupada, held a competition to find a mate for his daughter. There are two versions of Draupadi's competition. According to the Mahabharata version, in the contest it was announced, whoever could oppose Gendewa Pusaka, namely the bow and arrow belonging to the Pancala kingdom, would be married to Dewi Drupadi.
In the competition, Duke Karna actually succeeded in opposing the Gandewa Pusaka, but before Karna used it to shoot at the designated target, Dewi Drupadi immediately refused by saying: "I am a king's daughter. How could I possibly marry someone of silk blood?" Hearing those words, Karna immediately left the palace. So, Arjuna was the one who had the right to take Draupadi to be married, because he also succeeded in opposing Gandewa Pusaka and shooting the target precisely.
According to the Javanese wayang version, whoever succeeds in defeating Patih Gandamana has the right to marry Dewi Drupadi. Many participants failed, Bima finally took to the arena and succeeded in defeating Patih Gandamana. Towards his death, Gandamana bequeathed Aji Wungkal Bener and Bandung Bandawasa to Bima. At that time, Bima actually appeared on behalf of his eldest brother, Yudhistira. Goddess Draupadi was finally taken away by the Pandavas to marry Yudhistira. The Pandavas immediately went to Dewi Kunti, their mother and said that they had brought souvenirs. Without turning around and asking what was meant by the souvenirs they brought, Kunti immediately answered, "Thank God, just divide the gift equally between the five of you." Hearing Goddess Kunti's words, Goddess Draupadi finally became the fifth wife of the Pandavas.

In the Purwa Skin Puppet world, Draupadi is only Puntadewa's wife. From that marriage, they were blessed with a son named Pancawala. Even though she was a royal princess, after becoming the wife of the Pandavas, Draupadi followed her husband wherever he went, for good or bad. Goddess Draupadi is a woman who is loyal and can withstand all kinds of suffering, but has a sharp tongue.
Apart from rejecting Karna because he had Suta blood, Draupadi also humiliated Duryudana and the Korawa. The incident occurred when the Pandavas had finished carrying out the Rajasuya Offering ceremony.
After the Pandavas succeeded in building the Amarta country, and Yudhistira was appointed king of Amarta, Yudhistira carried out the Rajasuya ceremony which was attended by all the knights throughout Bharatawarsha who were invited, including Doryudana. Doryudana and Dursasana were amazed by the beauty of Indraprastha's palace. Duryudana once hit a glass door, which he thought was open. King Astina also once fell into a pool where he thought the floor was smooth and shiny. Witnessing what happened to Duryudana, Draupadi laughed at him, saying, "No wonder, his son is a blind man, his behavior is like a blind man, he can't tell the difference between water and a slippery floor." Draupadi's words clearly made her blush, embarrassed and angry.
Duryodhana was hurt by Draupadi's insult, he told his uncle, Sengkuni. So at Sengkuni's suggestion, Duryudana invited Yudhistira to play dice. Yudhistira, who really likes playing dice, without suspicion, accepted his cousin's invitation. In the dice game, Yudhistira initially won, but with Sengkuni's cunning and ingenuity, Yudhistira lost and finally had to risk his treasure, palace and kingdom. Until finally, after all the treasures, palaces and kingdoms were taken by the Kauravas, Yudhistira was forced to risk his brothers. Yudhistira was still losing, until finally Draupadi was asked to appear in the gambling arena. Draupadi refused the request, but Dushasana forcibly dragged Draupadi into the playing arena. Adipati Karna, who also felt hurt, encouraged Dushasana to strip Draupadi naked. In front of the Pandavas, Draupadi was humiliated. Dushasana tried to strip Draupadi naked by pulling off the cloth she was wearing. However, with the help of Bathara Darma, every time Dushasana pulled the cloth Draupadi was wearing, a new cloth always appeared covering her body. Dushasana did this several times, but there was no end to the cloth.

At that time, Goddess Draupadi swore that she would not wear her hair in a bun before washing it with Dushasana's blood. Dewi Draupadi's oath and her curse on Dushasana were finally fulfilled. In Baratayuda Bima managed to kill Dushasana, then tore his mouth. Bima also brought Dushasana's blood and then gave it to Goddess Draupadi to wash her hair. Because they lost the dice game, the Pandavas and Draupadi underwent a period of exile for 12 years and a period of disguise for one year. At first, the Korawa wanted to arrest Draupadi, not allowing her to follow her husband. They wanted to be satisfied with taking out their revenge on Puntadewa's wife.
However, fortunately, Rishi Bhishma immediately acted at that time. Bhishma asked Duryudana if he could join in enjoying the winnings of the Kauravas' gambling. Immediately Duryudana, who was drunk on victory, answered, "Grandfather Rishi Bhishma can choose anything from all our wins. Is it the Amarta country, is it a colony, or is it the Pandava wealth that we won...". Rishi Bhishma finally chose Draupadi. And therefore, the Korawa handed over Draupadi to Rishi Bhishma. Then Rishi Bhishma said, "Because Draupadi has become mine, of course I can do anything with her." The Kauravas also agreed. "Well, if that's the case, I will give Draupadi to Puntadewa, her husband." With Bhishma's decision, Bhishma was finally able to reunite with the Pandavas.
At the beginning of the exile, Goddess Draupadi was kidnapped by Jayadrata, one of Korawa's allies. However, Arjuna and Bima discovered the kidnapping. As punishment for his actions, Draupadi and the Pandavas humiliated Jayadratha by shaving his hair. This created revenge in Jayadrata's heart. When the Pandavas underwent a period of incognito in Virata, Draupadi disguised herself as a servant of the consort of king Wirata. After Parikshit was appointed successor to the Kuru kingdom, Draupadi followed the Pandavas on a sacred journey to meet death.

Blog: Hadisukirno - Yogyakarta - 2012

More info:
Draupadi's marriage