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Citrayuda ... son of Prabu Dasarata
Citrayuda 02 - 526.jpg

TitleCitrayuda - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other names...
Size60 cm
Personal dataCitrayuda is the son of Prabu Dasarata and Dewi Gandari, daughter of Prabu Gandara with Dewi Gandini from Gandaradesa country.

As the son of King Dasarata of Astina and Dewi Gandari, he is one of the hundred Korawa.

Out of 100 of his brothers who are known in pedalangan are: Duryudana (king of Astina), Bogadatta (king of Turilaya), Bomawikata, Wikataboma, Citraksa, Citraksi, Citraboma, Carucitra, Dursasana (Duke of Banjarjumut), Durmagati, Durmuka, Durgempo, Gardapati (king of Bukasapta),Gardapura, Kartamarma (king of Banyutinalang), Kartadenta, Surtayu, Surtayuda, Windandini (king of Purantara) and Dewi Dursilawati.
AppearanceCitrayuda has a funny character, but is also smart. He is good at talking and likes to criticize. Citrayuda is someone who brags a lot and seeks quarrels. He is potty and aggressive, a blustering and quarrelsome guy. As a student of Resi Drona , Citrayuda was also skilled in soldiering using mace and javelin weapons.
CollectionPrivate collection

Citrayuda – (Raden) – Mahabharata

After her marriage, Gandari gave birth to a meatball after an unusually long time. Abiasa divided this ball into one hundred equal pieces. There was a small piece left. All pieces were carefully stored in barrels of butter for two years.

On the first day of the third year, a day after the birth of the Pandawa brothers, the barrels were opened. Every day a barrel was opened. At that time, Abyasa gave the names of the newborn babies one by one.
Suyudana, who is also called Duriodana, is the eldest. Next came Dursasana. This continued until on the hundred and first day the girl Dursilawati (also called Dusala) was born.
The sons of Dasarata and Gandari are called the Korawa. Citrayuda is one of the hundred Kaurawas.

In the Mahabharata Book, namely in the Adiparwa section, the names of the one hundred Kurawa are mentioned. However, not all of the hundred Korawas have specific stories and tales. Only a few characters have long stories that require puppets to be made. One of them is Citrayuda, whose story is important in the journey of the Kurawa. Meanwhile, the characters are only mentioned by name once or twice without any important story or character, let alone a clear character.
As a result, not all Kauravas can be depicted as wayang puppets. Even if one hundred Korawa puppets were made, it would be inevitable that there would be duplication or similarities in the characters.

In Sundanese wayang golek, Citrayuda with a funny face is the most well-known Korawa soldier because he is often shown by the puppeteer, even though his appearance is only used as a joke.
During the Bharatayuda war, Citrayuda appeared to lead the Korawa army accompanying the war senopati Resi Drona . He and Citraksa, Surtayu, Citrakundala and Dirgalasara died in the battle against Arya Wratsangka, the Pandawa war senopati, son of Prabu Matswapati from the country of Wirata.

Source: – 2024 – Ki Damar