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Brajadenta - son of Prabu Arimbaka
Brajadenta 02 - 210.jpg

TitleBrajadenta - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other names
Size75 cm
Personal dataBrajadenta is the third son of Prabu Arimbaka, the giant king of Pringgandani country with Dewi Hadimba. Brajadenta has seven siblings named: Arimba / Hidimba, Dewi Arimbi, Arya Prabakesana, Brajamusti, Brajalamatan, Brajawikalpa and Kalabendana.
AppearanceBrajadenta has a hard-hearted character, he wants to win by himself, he is brave and always wants to obey his heart.
CollectionPrivate collection

Brajadenta - (Raden) - Mahabharata

Brajadenta is very powerful. By his sister, Dewi Arimbi, Brajadenta was appointed as the viceroy holding the reins of Pringgandani state government while Dewi Arimbi and her husband Bima lived in Jadipati.
The end of the story is told, because he did not agree with the appointment of Gatotkaca, the son of Dewi Arimbi and Bima as king of Pringgandani, Brajadenta, assisted by his three younger brothers, Brajamusti, Brajalamatan and Brajawikalpa, carried out a rebellion because he wanted to control the Pringgandani country absolutely.

The rebellion was crushed by Gatotkaca with the deaths of Brajalamatan and Brajawikalpa. Brajadenta and Brajamusti managed to escape and took refuge with their nephew Prabu Arimbaji, son of the late Prabu Arimba who had become king in the Gowasiluman country in the Tunggarana forest. With the help of Bathari Durga, Brajadenta re-entered Pringgandini's country to kill Gatotkaca. His efforts failed again.

Brajadenta finally died in the battle against Gatotkaca. His spirit was transformed into a spell/deed and entered/inherited in Gatotkaca's teeth. Since then Gatotkaca has had supernatural powers … whoever gets bitten will surely perish.

Source: Sejarah Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982