Wisata - (Wayang Kulit)

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Wiata - son of Prabu Baladewa

TitleWisata - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other names
Size50 cm
Personal dataRaden Wisatha was the only son of Prabu Baladewa, the King of Mandura country, and Dewi Erawati, the eldest daughter of Prabu Salya from the Mandaraka country. He has a younger sibling named Wimuka.
AppearanceUnlike his father Prabu Baladewa, who is stubborn and easily angered, Wisata has the nature and character; brave, intelligent, good behavior and a great sense of responsibility. Like his father Wisata is also skilled in government and state administration. He is also skilled in military skills, especially in using mace weapons.
CollectionPrivate collection

Wisatha – (Raden) – Mahabharata

Unlike his father King Baladewa, who loved meditating, inner training and becoming very sakti (great in manipulating magical power), Raden Wisatha was more focused on physical and political training.
In the story of Parta Krama (the marriage of Arjuna and Bratajaya), king Baladewa represented his father in law, King Salyapati, to ask King Kresna (his younger brother) to cancel the married between Arjuna and Bratajaya. His reason for doing this what that he wanted Bratajaya to marry Prince Burisrawa (the youngest children of King Salya).
During the meeting between King Baladewa and King Kresna at the great hall in the kingdom of Dwarawati, Raden Gathutkaca arrived, delegated by his grandmother Dewi Kunthi Talibrata to present Kris Pulanggeni to Baladewa as a symbol of engagement between Arjuna and Bratajaya.
King Baladewa was very upset about this, and as the oldest brother of Bratajaya, he canceled the engagement. This in turn made Gathutkaca very angry, and caused an argument between King Baladewa and Gathutkaca. Gathutkaca became so frustrated, that he left the meeting.

In this story, King Baladewa did not want to fight Gathutkaca, so he asked his son Wisatha to fight him. Gathutkaca was the son of Bima, and was therefore very sakti (see the story of Gathutkaca). This advantage made the fight between these two unmatched (Gathutkaca was much stronger than Wisatha).

The Mandura family was neutral in the conflict between the Kurawa and Pandawa families. After the end of the Bharatayuda war, Wisata was crowned king of the Mandura country, replacing his father, Prabu Baladewa who in his old age became the caretaker and advisor to Prabu Parikesit, in the Astina country, with the title Resi Balarama.

The end of Wisata's history is told: He was also killed in the mace war between the Yadawa dynasty, which destroyed all the descendants of the Yadawa dynasty, Wresni and Andaka, descendants of Prabu Yadu, the founder of the Mandura state and the forerunner of the Yadawa dynasty.