Wilutama - (Wayang Kulit)

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Batari Wilutama - the genius angel from the Kahyangan Jong Giri Saloka

TitleWilutama - (Batari) - Mahabharata
Other namesWilotama, Tilotama, Nilotama
Size45 cm
Personal dataBatari Wilutama is one of the many angels who come from the Kahyangan Jong Giri Saloka. After Raden Kumbayana made love with Batari Wilutama as, Jaran Sembrani (a female horse with wings), she became pregnant and got a son named Aswatama. Bambang Aswatama was almost human, except for his feet which were the hooves of a horse.
AppearanceBatari Wilutama is an angel with a charming face and who often carries out heavy tasks from Bathara Guru because she has a genius brain among other angels. The task she carries is to unite the love of Bathara Drema who is incarnated in Wisnubrata, the son of Prabu Kresna. In addition, she is tasked with uniting the love of Jembawawati and Batari Dremi who is incarnated in Dewi Hagnyanawati.
CollectionPrivate collection

Wilutama – (Dewi) – Mahabharata

Bathari Wilutama is a beautiful and charming angel, dressed beautifully but “kendo(r) kembene”, blown by strong winds her body looks almost naked, resulting in many gods being sent down to the world because they are tempted.

Wilutama is a widadari who was cursed by Batar Guru to become a sembrani (female) horse and was expelled from the heavens to descend to the earth. What sins or mistakes did Widadari Wilatama commit to become a female horse and had to leave heaven, are not told. Of course, it is not a light sin or mistake, but the punishment is very severe or severe like that. Dewi Wilutama will recover if humans are willing to marry.

“Whoever is willing to cross over to Java, if a woman will be made a wife, and if a man will be a foster brother”. The sembrani horse agreed, flying for a long time while demanding a promise to marry. The beautiful atmosphere and silence in the air made Kumbayana even more fascinated and lulled.

Bathari Wilutama was sad when she saw the failure of her ideals, love, Burisrawa-Sumbadra, Samba-Hagnyanawati, helping to bring them together through the tunnel (nglandak) "Keep going through the tunnel and never look back", the darkness disappeared, it turned out that the light of Dewi Wilutama's bare chest replaced the torch.
An important message is that looking at the past often causes regret for mistakes made at that time, "understanding" is more needed than just knowing, turning bad things into good things. Holding on to the "good attitude" that has been taken can reduce inner conflict and conflict with others, never look back (doubt).

Raden Kumbayana was a handsome young man. On his journey to find his good friend Raden Sucitra, he came to a beach, but could not cross it to continue his journey. He swore that whoever could help him cross the ocean would become his wife (if a woman) or his brother (if a man). Suddenly, Jaran Sembrani (a female horse with wings) approached him. He rode the horse across the ocean, and on the way, he made love to the horse. Jaran Sembrani (who is the other form of Bathari Wilutama) became pregnant, and when the baby was born they named their child Bambang Aswatama (one of the warriors on the side of the Korawa during the Bharatayuda war).

Bambang Aswatama was almost human, except for his feet which were the hooves of a horse. Bathari Wilutama helped Bambang Aswatama throughout his life, and during the Mahabharata epic, she saved him from death many times.
After the Bharatayuda war, Wilutama helped Bambang Aswatama dig a tunnel through to the Kingdom of Astina to kill the baby Parikesit. She was responsible for providing him with a light to dig by. Instead of bringing a conventional lantern, she opened her clothes and light radiated out from her breasts. Accidentally, Aswatama was killed by Kris Pulanggeni (Arjuna’s Weapon), and Wilutama could not save his life.