Udawa - (Wayang Kulit)

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Udawa - son of Kyai Antagopa

TitleUdawa - (Patih) - Mahabharata
Other namesPatih Udawa known as: Jaran and Tandang.
Size50 cm
Personal dataUdawa is the son of Kyai Antagopa and his marriage to Nyai Segopi in Widarakandang, Madura. Kyai Antagopa was a cattle herder of the Madura kingdom. According to history, Udawa was actually the son of Prabu Basudewa, but when Udawa was still in the womb, Nyai Segopi was handed over to Antagopa. So Udawa's face resembled Raden Kakrasana. After he grew up, Udawa was appointed as the prime minister of Prabu Kresna (Nayarana) who was the younger brother of Prabu Baladewa (Kakrasana). Arya Udawa is said to be the son of Arya Basudewa who, after ascending the throne of the state of Mandura, took the title Prabu Basudewa, together with Ken Sagupi / Sagopi, a swarawati of the Mandura palace. After Ken Sagupi married Antagopa, a shepherd and lived in Kabuyutan Widarakanda / Widarakandang (Java), Arya Udawa was considered the son of Ken Sagupi with Antagopa. From the lineage of Prabu Basudewa, Arya Udawa had three siblings, each named: Kakrasana and Narayana, sons of Prabu Basudewa with his consort Dewi Mahendra/Maerah, and Dewi Sumbadra/Dewi Lara Ireng, daughter of Prabu Basudewa with his consort Dewi Badrahini. While from his mother's lineage, Ken Sagupi, he had three siblings, namely; Arya Pragota and Arya Adimanggala, the two sons of Ken Sagupi with Arya Ugrasena, and Dewi Rarasati / Larasati, the daughter of Ken Sagupi with Arya Prabu Rukma. Udawa married Dewi Antiwati. The youngest daughter of Arya Sakuni, the prime minister of Astina with Dewi Sukesti.
AppearanceUdawa has a very loyal, quiet and submissive character. In everything he was never far from Narayana. Diligent, dedicated, reliable and brave. Short and powerful in speech and friendly. When Narayana became the king of Dwarawati with the title Prabu Bathara Krishna, Arya Udawa was appointed as the prime minister of the state of Dwarawati. Udawa has big eyes, a complete nose and a full mouth (sembada). Mix it up a little by editing the kluwih flowers. Hair is loose and messy. Dressed in rapekan bala, namely army clothing. Berkris whose appearance shows that he is not a knight.The way you clasp your hands as seen in the picture indicates that the person has low self-esteem.
CollectionPrivate collection

Udawa – (Patih) – Mahabharata

Udawa's loyalty to Prabu Krishna is supported by the love of a brother, just like Krishna's love for Udawa. Udawa is a man who is a courageous officer, with a strong hand, so that there are few people who can withstand his fists. Especially when Udawa fights with tears, no enemy can stop him.

When Rara Ireng (Dewi Sembadra's name when she was a child) was abandoned by Raden Nayarana, Udawa was trusted to take care of her. Udawa's care for Rara Ireng is not experienced as the care for her employer, but as the care for her own brother. When Udawa did something wrong, his master's anger did not cause him sorrow, but he accepted it with an open heart.

Udawa can serve his king as Patih in the true sense of the word and, as the Javanese proverb goes, he is like a dagger sheath that prepares itself with a happy feeling to enter the king's dagger.
In the same way, Udawa can serve all the king's wishes. Suppose the owner likes crickets, then he is ready for it and makes a place for the crickets. He served his master's wishes with all his heart.

As governor, he dared to warn and refute his master's wrong actions using the right reasons. Patih Udawa was old and could follow his king until the Baratayuda war. Patih Udawa then had a descendant who became king after Jarnan Purwa.
At the end of the story, Arya Udawa was killed in a mace war between the families of Yadawa, Wresni and Andaka, after the end of the Bharatayuda war.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982