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Utara - (Raden) - Mahabharata

Arya Utara has a residence in the Kesatrian Cemarajajar. He married at the same time as his younger brother, Arya Wratsangjka, who married Dewi Sindusari, Dewi Tirtawati's sister after they succeeded in killing Arya Girikusuma and his father, Prabu Prawata from Bulukapitu country. Arya Utara entered the Bharatayuda war as a Pandawa war senapati accompanying Resi Seta who acted as the Great Senapati. Arya Utara died in the war against Prabu Salya/Narasoma, king of the Mandaraka country.

Raden Utara
Raden Utara was the middle son of King Wirata, Prabu Matswapati, and brother of Raden Seta. Raden Utara is married to Dewi Tirtawati, daughter of Prabu Tasikraja from the Tasikretna country. He was rewarded with this wife, because he managed to kill the powerful criminal, Raden Ginikusuma, the son of a giant king, Prabu Prawata and Raden Girikusuma intended to steal Dewi Tirtawati. In the Baratayuda war, Raden Utara was appointed as war commander, replacing Seta and then died by Bisma. Raden Utara has long eyes, a complete nose and mouth, a mustache and beard, lizard hair, a kluwih flower shape, and a crescent moon necklace. Wearing royal cloth.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982