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Pragota - (Patih) - Mahabharata

After Ken Sagupi was married to Antagopa, a shepherd and lived in the ancestral home of Widarakanda/Widarakandang, Arya Pragota was considered the son of Ken Sagupi and Antagopa. Apart from the Arya Ugrasena lineage, he has a sister and a brother named; Dewi Setyaboma (wife of King Krishna) and Arya Setyaki.

While from his mother's lineage, Ken Sagupi, apart from Arya Adimanggala, he has a brother and a sister, namely; Arya Udawa, son of Ken Sagupi with Prabu Basudewa, and Dewi Rarasati/Larasati, daughter of Ken Sagupi with Arya Prabu Rukma.

Duke Pragota
Pragota became the duke of Prabu Baladewa from the country of Madura. His speech was harsh and followed by giggling laughter. He can follow the will of his king who is quick to blood.
In the war Pragota behaved like a person who was happy and like a person who did not get angry. So he was always accompanied by a gamelan that brought gending galaganjur, but the end result was that the enemy was defeated.
The end of his history is told; Arya Pragota was killed in a mace war between his own families Trah Yadawa, Wresni and Andaka, after the end of the Bharatayuda war.
Pragota with white long eyes, a crooked nose (like a worn whetstone). Berketu udeng stringing to the back. Stretching necklace. Cloth and cindai pants.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982