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Abimanyu - (Raden) - Mahabharata

Since in the womb Abhimanyu has received "Wahyu Hidayat", which has the power to understand everything. After growing up, Abhimanyu got the "Cakraningrat Revelation", a revelation that could bring down great kings. He also received Wahyu Makutha Raja, namely a revelation which stated that his descendants would be the successors to the throne of the Kings of Hastina.

Abhimanyu has nature and character; subtle, good behavior, clear speech, hard heart, great responsibility and brave. In martial arts he received instruction from his father, Arjuna. While in spiritual science, he received teachings from his grandfather, Bagawan Abiyasa. Abhimanyu lives in the Plangkawati knighthood, after being able to defeat King Jayamurcita.

On the 13th day, the Kauravas challenged the Pandavas to break the circular war formation known as Chakrawyuha. At that time, only three people from the Pandava side knew about this strategy, namely Krishna, Arjuna and Abimanyu. However, Krishna and Arjuna were busy fighting with the Samsaptaka army. And that leaves Abhimanyu, who has the knowledge of how to break the Chakrawyuha formation, but doesn't know how to get out of the formation. However, the Pandavas continued to advance to break this formation with Abhimanyu. Abimanyu succeeded in killing several Korawa knights, one of whom was Laksmana, the son of Duryodhana.

However, Abhimanyu was killed in the Bharatayuda war by the mace of Kyai Glinggang belonging to Jayadratha, the Banakeling knight. He died with various weapons stuck to his body, in accordance with the oath he made when proposing to Dewi Utari. Abhimanyu swore that he did not have a wife and that if he lied, he would die with various weapons stuck in his body.

Source : Sejarah Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982
Blog: Hadisukirno – Yogyakarta - 2011