Ramawijaya - (Wayang Kulit)

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Ramawijaya - son of King Dasaratha

TitleRamawijaya - (Prabu) - Ramayana
Other namesRamawijaya was an incarnation of Hyang Wisnu who was tasked with creating world prosperity. He is also known by the names Ramayana, Ramaragawa, Ramacandra, Ramabadra, Rawadewa and Raguputra.
Size50 cm
Personal dataIn the Ramayana, it is told that King Dasaratha, who longed for a son, held a ceremony for the gods, a ceremony called Putrakama Yadnya. The ceremony was accepted by the gods and their envoys gave holy water to be drunk by each of his queens. Thanks to this gift, the three queens of King Dasaratha gave birth to sons. The eldest was named Rama, born from Kosalya . The second was Bharata , born from Kekayi, and the last were Laksmana and Satrugna, born from Sumitra. The four princes grew into brave sons and were skilled in playing weapons under the guidance of Resi Wasista. Ramawijaya married Dewi Sinta, an incarnation of Bathari Sri Widowati. daughter of Prabu Janaka, king of the country of Mantili. From this marriage he had two sons, named Rama Pujinggalawa, and Rama Batlawa. (Lawa and Kusya).
AppearanceRamawijaya appears in the story: Ramayana, Sayembara Manthilii, Rama Tundhung, Rama Tambak, Brubuh Ngalengka and Sinta Boyong. Ramawijaya has an compassionate heart, is skilled in archery, does not give up easily if you already have the will and is a symbol of wisdom.
CollectionPrivate collection

Ramawijaya – (Prabu) – Ramayana

In the Ramayana epic , it is told that before Rama was born, a giant king named Rahwana had terrorized the Triloka (three worlds) so that the gods felt anxious. Because of this, the Goddess of the Earth met with Brahma so that he would be willing to save the world and its contents. The gods also complained to Brahma , who had given a gift to Rahwana so that the giant became arrogant.

After the gods met, they begged Vishnu to be willing to reincarnate into the world to uphold dharma and save the pious people. Lord Vishnu stated that he was willing to do so. He promised to come down to the world as Rama, the son of King Dasarata of Ayodhya . In his incarnation into the world, Vishnu was accompanied by Naga Sesa who would take on the role of Laksmana , and Laksmi who would take on the role of Sita.

The story of Rama getting Shinta began when he took part in a competition, in the Mantili Kingdom under the rule of Prabu Janaka. At that time there was a Knight Wadat Rama Bargawa who would destroy all the Knights. It was made Syembara by Prabu Janaka, whoever can break the Gendewo (bow) chosen by Ramabargawa and can defeat Rama Bargawa, will be married to his adopted daughter, Dewi Shinta. Prabu Rama managed to conquer the competition, won Dewi Shinta and married her.

Actually Rama was a candidate for the heir to the Ayodya Kingdom Throne, but failed because of the blessing of his stepmother Dewi Kekayi, who preferred her son Barata to become King of Ayodya, and because of Prabu Dasarata's own promise when he proposed to Dewi Kekayi, if he had a child he would be made King. The goddess then demanded back Prabu Dasarata, asking her son named Barata to become king, not Ramawijaya.

Therefore, Prabu Rama had no choice but to go into exile with his beloved wife Shinta and younger brother Lesmana. For thirteen years they lived in exile until Rahwana the king of Alengka kidnapped his wife. This was done because Rahwana knew that Shinta was the child he considered the incarnation of the goddess Tari who he used to chase and swore to marry her even though she was his own child.

In his search for Dewi Shinta, Ramawijaya met a monkey named Sugriwo who asked for help to defeat his evil brother Subali, the son of Resi Gotamadari from the Grastina/Daksinapata hermitage, who was incited by Rahwana, and he promised with his monkey troops, he would serve Rama until Shinta was found. During a fight between the two monkeys Rama killed Subali with his bow and arrow.

With the help of Monkey warrior Hanoman, he found out that his wife was being held against her will in the kingdom of Alengka. The big war between Rahwana with his giant army, and Rama and his monkey army became the biggest war in the Ramayana epic.
When Prabu Ramawijaya led his wadyabala/monkey troops to attack the country of Alengka, their journey was blocked by the ocean. Without thinking twice, Rama took out his ultimate heirloom, Goa Wijaya in the form of an arrow, a very powerful heirloom that could dry up the ocean. That way, Prabu Rama and his troops could cross without having to cross the ocean that separated Pancawati and Alengka. When the heirloom was about to be released, the god who ruled the ocean, Sang Hyang Baruna, came to meet Prabu Rama. He gave Ramawijaya advice to make a dam/pond. With Batara Baruna's advice, he asked the monkey troops he led to make the dam/ocean pond until finally they could reach the country of Alengka.

Prabu Dasamuka (Rahwana), the king of the Alengka country, who not only kidnapped Dewi Sinta, but also committed an angry act and caused various misery for the Ancapada people, was killed, along with his family by Rama’s magical arrow Gowa Wijaya, and Ramawijyana was reunited with his wife Sinta.

After the end of the Alengka war and 13 years of living in exile, Rama returned to the country of Ayodya. He ascended the throne of the Ayodya country, replacing Prabu Barata who resigned. Ramawijaya died at an old age and his body was buried on Mount Kutarunggu.

Source: radarmadiun.jawapos.com – 2024 – Ki Damar