Rama Bargawa - (Wayang Kulit)

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Rama Bargawa - son of Resi Jamadagni
Rama Parasu.png

TitleRama Bargawa - (Raden) - All stories
Other namesRama Parasu
Size55 cm
Personal dataRama Parasu or Rama Bargawa is the son of Maharesi (priest) Jamadagni, a sage descended from Bregu and Renuka. His mother is Dewi Renuka, who is an extremely attractive woman. At first when he was born he was given the name Rama, but after he grew up he was known as Parasurama. Jamadagni teached his son attentively and so deeply of the knowledge of misticism, spiritualism and others because Jamadagni saw there was many of the evil lords made the unhappiness to peoples. Ramaparasu become a horribly and screamy youth went to everywhere to making peace. Rama Parasu is the sixth incarnation of Wisnu and lived in the Tretayuga Era. Rama Bargawa lives in enmity with the entire caste of knights, because his mother was once molested by a knight. He kills Arjuna Sasra Bahu and is himself killed by Rama. Rama Bargawa has long age equally 800 years old , since Ramayana era till the last-mahabharata era.
AppearanceRamaparasu or Ramabhargawa is the most violent priest that has a screamy face and his hair is long till to his foot. Many of ksatriya (lords) and many of priests are fear to Ramaparasu. He is courageous and combative. This puppet character has an axe and a bow and arrow weapon. Ramaparasu is said to have traveled around the world three times to destroy the knights throughout the world. However, there are still knights alive, one of whom is the Surya Dynasty who rules in Ayodhya. Since his life (Mahabharata) Rama Parasu just has 3 students only, they are Bhisma, Durna and Karna. Because he doesn't wellcome to knights ( lord and king ) became his student that depending on his opinion cause all of knights make war everywhere.
CollectionPrivate collection

Rama Bargawa – (Raden) – All stories

Rama Bargawa is a powerful prince, has a very loyal character to his father, when his mother cheated, Prabu Jamadagni or his father sent his son to kill his mother, but of all his children only Rama Bargawa obeyed the law of Maespati.

There are several stories that say that Rama Bargawa served as an executioner in Maespati, because he was firm and "nindakke wajib", he was killed with a ramaparasu weapon. In addition to Parasu Rama Bargawa has a wadung and gandewa.
The request requested by Ramaparasu when given the freedom to choose what he wanted in return for upholding the law and rules by killing his mother:
1. Asking for his mother to be revived
2. The sin of his mother's infidelity is erased
3. His brother is restored to his senses (His brother was cursed to go crazy because he didn't want to kill his mother)
4. The memory of what happened in Maespati which was traumatic is removed
5. Unmatched supernatural powers, which can only be killed by the incarnation of Batara Wisnu or Batara Wisnu himself.

Another famous story is when Rama Bargawa was hunting in the forest alone, his family was killed by the messenger of Prabu Arjuna Sasrabahu, so this incident triggered Bargawa's revenge against the knights. Especially the knights of the Brahmana caste. Bargawa considered the knights to be acting insolently under the pretext of kindness.

Prabu Arjuna Sasrabahu, who was at that time the incarnation of Batara Wisnu, should have been able to kill Rama Bargawa, but failed, because it turned out that Batara Wisnu had "Oncat" or left Arjuna Sasrabahu's body because he acted arbitrarily. Batara Wisnu did not approve and like the act and chose to return to heaven.

Rama Bargawa traveled around the world 7 times, he killed all the knights who were arbitrarily. He also made a lake that was used to collect the blood of the knights he had killed. He made offerings at Samanta Pancaka and did many asceticism so that his supernatural powers would become even higher and unmatched.

Before continuing the story, a little flashback when Rama was exiled from Ayodya, then wandered with Shinta until finally Shinta was kidnapped by Rahwana. When in the country of Mantilidirji held a competition, led by King Prabu Janoko, for whoever could break the Gendewo (bow), then he would be made a husband by his daughter, Dewi Shinta. Two knights came, named Rama and his younger brother Lesmana, wanting to take part in the competition. Initially, Prabu Janoko said that Rama would be married to Shinta without taking part in the competition, but Rama refused and still wanted to take part in the competition and wanted to get Dewi Shinta by means of a knight. After successfully winning the competition, Dewi Shinta was married to the young Rama at that time.
This play usually comes out along with “Rama Bargawa's anger”.
If there is a Rama Bargawa play, Shinta's contest must come out. When the contest is over, Rama meets Rama Bargawa, which is the end of the journey of the Resi Bargawa himself. This is because Rama Bargawa will only lose to the incarnation of Vishnu which finally Bargawa will be made a God.

Rama Bargawa’s anger
"Who are you, O Rishi, who without any reason suddenly challenges me to a fight?" asked Prabu Arjunasasrabahu. “I am a wounded priest. My mother had an affair with a knight. My father could not forgive her. For the sake of honesty, I swore I would kill my mother. I regret that I had an unfaithful mother and an unforgiving father. To make me even more regretful still, how did I have the heart to kill my own mother? I then became a homeless priest. I have circled this universe to carry out my own oath," Rishi Ramabargawa said, finishing his life history.
"What is your oath?" asked Prabu Arjunasasrabahu again.
“I swear that every knight is my enemy. For the sake of this oath, I circle the universe and kill every knight I meet, if he can't kill me. You are a knight king. Now it's your turn to fight me," answered Ramabargawa, stroking his parashu (large battle-ax).
"Your oath is wrong, high rishi. You have killed many innocent knights, just to vent your pain," said Prabu Arjunasasrabahu.

“In this world nothing is not wrong, O king. You're guilty too. It is not because of your merits and deeds you can reign on a noble and majestic throne. It is your warlords and subordinates who work to uphold your glory. You are proud, as if you got all the glory by yourself. You boast of your false glory and power, O king. That's your fault," said Rishi Ramabargawa fiercely.

Who defeated the giant king, Prabu Darmawasesa of the Widarba kingdom? Where did he get the empress, Dewi Citrawati? King Arjunasasrabahu was silent. Rishi Ramabargawa's words felt like a knife that cut into him and skinned him. Who defeated the giant king, Prabu Darmawasesa of the Widarba kingdom? Where did he get the empress, Dewi Citrawati? Where did he get Sriwedari Garden from? It was not all because of his heroic deeds. It was Sumantri who did it. Sumantri finally died for his power. And there were many more warlords and kings who perished in defense of him. Where was the service? Rishi Ramabargawa was right, he was wrong because he was proud of his glory, as if he himself was working on it, and for the sake of that, all his warlords died without leaving a name.

"There is still your greater fault, O king. You spend your days in meditation. You think it's a holy deed. However, the duty of a king is not to meditate. A king must rule and exercise power for the welfare, sufficiency and glory of his people, not just be alone in meditation like you are. Meditation can indeed make a person holy. However, the sanctity of meditation can be a hiding place for someone to avoid his obligations. You are a knight, who should meditate on the sword, not in the silence of the mountains. I am a priest who should meditate in silence. But, I go to explore the world to carry out the oath that you said was wrong. But ask yourself, O king, are you not as mistaken as I am?" said Rishi Ramabargawa again.

Again, Prabu Arjunasasrabahu could not argue. He pondered deeply. Ramaparasu's words were true. He liked to be immersed in meditation. Meditation gave him deep inner comfort. However, he admitted that the comfort frequently had nothing to do with the obligations he had to carry out for his people. To make the people noble and prosperous is not through meditation, but by serving and giving oneself – even if that devotion and self-giving does not give him the comfort and serenity he gets from meditating. Meditation often becomes a place to escape, so that he is thought of as a pure and clear king, even though he does not fully work and give himself to his people.
Ramaparasu was right, there was nothing that was not wrong in this world, even he, who originally intended to be holy by carrying out meditation, ended up guilty too.

And wasn’t his meditation the cause of all the calamities that befell Maespati? He wanted to please Dewi Citrawati and the daughters of the Maespati palace by the Gangga River. He blocked the Gangga River with his meditation to make him a giant as big as a mountain that slept across to form the Gangga Lake. In the end, it was this lake that killed Dewi Citrawati and all of Maespati’s daughters, when he woke and picked himself up after a whisper from Patih Suroto that Sumantri was dead. If his meditation gave him clarity, why couldn't he stop himself from leaving as soon as he heard Sumantri was dead? His affection for Sumantri was attached and bound him, making him unable to be free and think clearly. Even his holy meditation was not able to free him from that bondage. And didn't this meditation cause the waters of the Gangga River to overflow? To inundate the hills of Nusa Manik, where Rahwana and his soldiers were? Rahwana raged and there was a massive war. Wasn't this all because of the madness of the meditation anyway? He thought the meditation was sacred, but it turned out that the meditation had derailed him to the point Maespati was struck by disaster. He felt guilty. Ramaparasu was right, there was nothing that was not wrong in this world, even he, who originally intended to be holy by carrying out meditation, ended up guilty too.

"Everything you say is true, O priest. I thank you for reminding me of my mistakes. However, let me ask you. Why do you keep killing knights when you know yourself it's wrong? Isn't there a way for us who are guilty to make amends for our mistakes?” asked Prabu Arjunasasrabahu. "There is no way, O king, except death itself! Therefore, don’t interpret this wrong, that I just swore this oath to kill all knights. No, O king, I hope there is a knight who can finally kill me, and if that happens, my oath is done. Therefore, for your information, my journey around this universe is not solely to kill knights, but nggoleki dalane pati (to find a way to my own death). I'm tired of this journey, I want to end it, who knows, perhaps you are the one who can finish it, O king," said Rishi Ramabargawa.

Rama Bargawa almost died being killed by Ramawijaya, but failed because Bargawa's supernatural powers were higher than Ramawijaya's at that time. Finally, after his travel session was over, Rama Bargawa decided to dedicate his knowledge to others, or in short, he wanted to teach the knowledge he had so that he became the teacher of Durna/Drona, Dewabrata, Karna, and Bisma.

He once fought and fought against his own student, Bisma. Initially there was a beautiful woman named Dewi Ambo who fell in love with Bisma and wanted to make Bisma her husband. However, Dewi Ambo's proposal was always rejected because Bisma had made an oath to his father and stepmother that he would not marry. But Dewi Ambo ignored this rejection and complained to her teacher who was also Bisma's teacher, namely Rama Bargawa. Receiving a complaint from Dewi Ambo, Rama Bargawa advised Bisma to just revoke his oath because after all, the son of his stepmother will become king and Bisma must also think about his own happiness.
According to Rama Bargawa, Dewi Ambo is a candidate for a wife who is very suitable for Bisma because her beautiful face and her magical abilities and mastery of several spells will complement Bisma perfectly. But because of the continuous rejections Rama Bargawa became furious and finally fought one on one with Bisma. The result was that he lost against his own student. Because of this defeat Bisma asked his teacher to stop persuading him to marry.

After Ramawijaya met Rama Bargawa, Ramawijaya returned with Shinta to the country of Ayodya and prepared to become king inheriting after his father. However, because his stepmother did not agree if the one who was made king was not his biological son, Rama was forced to leave the kingdom of Ayodya. This is where Rama and Shinta began their journey which finally Shinta was kidnapped by Rahwana.
After living for a long time in Mayapada, Rama Bargawa finally decided to Muksa, and succeeded in Muksa as a God in Khayangan.

Source: tokohpewayanganjawa.blogspot.com - 2024