Kamaratih - (Wayang Kulit)

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Dewi Kamaratih - daughter of Sang Hyang Resi Soma

TitleKamaratih - (Dewi) - Mahabharata
Other namesDewi Ratih
Size45 cm
Personal dataDewi Kamaratih is the very beautiful daughter of Sang Hyang Resi Soma. She is an angel race and resides permanently in Kaendran. Dewi Kamaratih was the wife of the god, Kamajaya from the heavens of Cakra Kembang. She never separated from Hyang Kamajaya, her husband. The lives of Hyang Kamajaya and Dewi Ratih became a symbol of the harmonious and faithful life of husband and wife. These Gods and Goddesses always take care of the safety of human beings who are husband and wife.
AppearanceDewi Kamaratih has squinty eyes, a pointed nose, an upturned face, and long, untidy hair. Berjang with a large eagle on its back, trimmed with a long waderen. Stretching necklace. Ringed and sprouted. Putren dodot fabric. Shoes and loud voice.
CollectionPrivate collection

Kamaratih – (Dewi) – Mahabharata

Dewi Kamaratih was not only the god of female beauty, but her husband Hyang Kamajaya happened to be the god of masculinity (characterized by his dashing good looks), making him one of the most handsome of all the shadow puppets in Wayang.

The only story that this character appears in is the story of the marriage of Prince Arjuna and Princess Bratajaya. In this story, Bathari Kamaratih was the character who gave Gamelan Lokananta to Arjuna in order for him to have entertainment during his wedding. She also gave Dewi Bratajaya a set of beautiful make up and clothes.

Dewi Kamaratih is very kenes (keletah), especially when she meets Arjuna. The picture shows that this Goddess is an agile person, this can be seen from her face that looks up and her attitude from her waist.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka – 1982