Indrajit - (Wayang Kulit)

From wiki-indonesian-art
Indrajit ... son of Prabu Dasamuka

TitleIndrajit - (Raden) - Ramayana
Other namesHindrajit, Magananda
Size47 cm
Personal dataIndrajit or Megananda was the son of Prabu Dasamuka or Ravana, king of Alengka. In fact, even though Indrajit was officially King Dasamuka's son, his existence in the world did not come from Dasamuka's seed. He is a child of adoration, namely a child who came about because of a request to a god. Indrajit lives in Kasatrian Bikungkung. He married Dewi Sumbaga from the Kingdom of Kutawindu. From that marriage, they were blessed with a son and two daughters who were each named, Begasura, Dewi Indraji and Dewi Indrarum.
AppearanceJust like his father, he also has a greedy, arbitrary and inhumane nature. Apart from that, his supernatural powers are also reliable.
CollectionPrivate collection

Indrajit - (Raden) - Ramayana[edit | edit source]

It is said that when Prabu Dasamuka's queen, the Goddess of Dance, was pregnant, the astrologers in Alengka predicted that the Goddess of Dance would one day give birth to a baby girl who, when she grew up, would be chased and married by Ravana. If this right came to pass, that would mean that the Alengka kingdom would collapse.
Remembering her brother's characteristics, Wibisana was worried if that really happened. So to prevent this prediction from happening, Wibisana tried to prevent it. When the Goddess of Dance gave birth to a baby girl, with the approval of the Goddess of Dance, Wibisana took the baby, put it in a box and threw it into the river. Later, the baby was found by Prabu Janaka, king of the Mantili Kingdom, and he adopted the baby as his son, who was then named Dewi Sinta.
To replace the baby he took, Wibisana asked the gods to give him a baby. The gods answered the prayer. He created a baby boy from a cloud. The baby was then given to the God of Dance and to Ravana, the baby was recognized as a baby born by the Goddess of Dance. When Indrajit's baby was shown to Prabu Dasamuka, the Alengka king did not believe that the baby was his child. He was sure that the baby his wife gave birth to was a girl. Without any pity, Dasamuka lifted baby Indrajit high then threw him on the floor. But the baby didn't die, it just got bigger.

Dasamuka repeatedly slammed him, but the baby kept getting bigger and stronger and finally transformed into a teenager. Indrajit put up resistance. His magic was quite strong and overwhelmed Dasamuka. Finally, the king of Lanka recognized him as his son. In fact, in the end, Dasamuka really loved him.

Indrajit has an heirloom arrow that can be released from his bow and turn into a chain and shackle its target, or become a snake that coils around its target. The name of the arrow is Asurastra. When Anoman smuggled into Argasoka Park in Alengka to meet Dewi Sinta, Indrajit caught him with an Asurastra arrow and brought Anoman before his father, Prabu Dasamuka. Apart from the Asurastra arrows, Indrajit has two mainstay heirloom arrows, namely Nagapasa and Mahanosara. Nagapasa turns into thousands of poisonous snakes while Mahanosara's arrows make the target enemy sleepy. Indrajit also mastered the powerful skill of Aji Panyirepan, which makes his enemies sleep.

In the war that occurred because of his father's actions, Indrajit faced Jaya Anggada who was assisted by Laksmana. However, Laksmana was hit by Indrajit's arrow, causing Laksmana to faint. After receiving help from Wibisana and regaining consciousness, Laksmana returned to the battlefield. The admiral then released Surawijaya's magic arrow, so that Indrajit's magic was unable to repel it. As soon as Dasamuka's son fell to the ground, Wibisana immediately recited a spell that transformed Indrajit's corpse into a cloud as it was originally.

Blog: Hadisukirno – Yogyakarta - 2012