Dewasrani - (Wayang Kulit)

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Dewasrani - son of Sang Hyang Manikmaya

TitleDewasrani - (Prabu) - Mahabharata
Other namesDewa Srani
Size50 cm
Personal dataDewasrani is the youngest son of Sanghyang Manikmaya (Guru), the king of Tribuana with Bathari Durga, the form of Dewi Umayi after being cursed by Sanghyang Manikmaya. He was born in the palace of the demon, Setragandamayit. Bathara Dewasrani has five siblings from the same mother and father, who are physically the sons of Bathari Durga/Dewi Pramuni with Bathara Kala, each named; Bathara Siwahjaya, Dewi Kalayuwati, Bathara Kalayuwana, Bathara Kalagotama and Bathara Kartinea.
AppearanceBatara Dewasrani has a handsome face but has a greedy, cruel nature and character. He likes to cause trouble and wants to be right. Many times he caused a commotion in Jonggrisaloka with various strange demands. In addition to being powerful, he also has Aji Kawrastawan, can change shape into anything according to his will. Batara Dewasrani also has an invincible gift given by his mother in the manifestation of Goddess Durga.
CollectionPrivate collection

Dewasrani – (Prabu) – Mahabharata

Many times Dewasrani made a scene in Jonggringsaloka with various strange demands.

Batara Dewasrani once demanded to be made king in Kahyangan Kaideran and be matched with Dewi Supraba. When his wishes were rejected by Sang Hyang Manikamaya, he went berserk. But in the end, he was defeated by Batara Indra.

Batara Dewasrani also once chased Dewi Sri Widowati/Dewi Srisekar, the wife of Bathara Wisnu, until she left Kahyangan Untarasegara. For his actions he was cursed by Bathara Wisnu to become a wild boar and was told to reincarnate on earth to atone for the sins he committed because he went berserk in the realm of the gods. He was able to return to his original form after being exorcised by his mother Batari Durga.

It is believed that Dewasrani came down to earth as a handsome man who has charm or charisma and has a strong and invincible body. It is also believed that Dewasrani will be born to people who have a knight or king caste (warrior).

Dewasrani repeatedly incarnated or transformed into a giant king to create chaos in Arcapada. But all of his actions were always thwarted by Bathara Wisnu. Because of his various actions, Dewasrani is known as a symbol of evil.

In the human world (Marcapada), Dewasrani often caused trouble for the Pandavas , especially Arjuna and Puntadewa. Throughout his life, Prabu Dewasrani carried with him a jealousy for Arjuna that was so great, he always wanted to kill him. In the Dewa Amral play, Dewasrani captured four Pandavas ( Wrekodara , Arjuna , Nakula , and Sadewa ) just because the eldest Pandava had the suffix -dewa in his name. This also caused Puntadewa's patience to run out and he transformed into a giant named Dewa Amral who went on a rampage and destroyed the heaven. Even so, Dewasrani was only given a light punishment.

In the Wisanggeni Lair play, Dewasrani, with the backing of Batari Durga and Batara Guru, forced himself to marry Batari Dresanala, the daughter of Batara Brahma (God of Fire). Bathari Durga knew that Bathari Dresanala was already married to Arjuna, so she went to the heaven of Suralaya and asked Bathara Guru’s permission for Bathari Dresanala’s hand in marriage for her son. After Bathara Guru granted her permission, Bathari Durga and Dewasrani went to the heaven called Arga Dahana where Bathara Brama lived, to tell Brama that she wanted Bathari Dresanala to be Dewasrani’s wife and that Bathara Guru had already given his permission. Bathara Brama could not do anything and he gave his daughter Bathari Dresanala (who at this point was seven months pregnant) to Bathari Durga.
On the way home Bathari Durga used her magic power to make the baby be born early. After the baby was born, she threw the baby to hell. Since the baby was the grandson of the god of Fire, he did not die. Hell only gave the baby boy the power of fire so that he became very strong and had the power of a god.
Bathara Brama gave the baby the name Wisanggeni and told him that his father was Arjuna. Wisanggeni went to earth to look for his father. When they finally met, Arjuna was very happy to see his son, but very sad when Wisanggeni told him what happen to Arjuna’s wife. Wisanggeni promised Arjuna that he would return his mother to Arjuna.
Wisanggeni went to the Kingdom Timbul Malaya to get his mother back, and fought with the King Dewasrani and his followers. He used his magical powers to make himself invincible. He became so invincible that even Bathari Durga could not help her son hold onto Bathari Dresanala. Finally, Wisanggeni brought his mother back and Arjuna was reunited with his wife.

Source: – 2024 – Ki Damar