Darma - (Wayang Kulit)

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Darma - son of Sanghyang Parma

TitleDarma - (Batara) - Ramayana, Mahabharata
Other namesWidura
Size50 cm
Personal dataBatara Darma is known as the God of Justice. He is the son of Sanghyang Parma, which means the grandson of Sanghyang Taya, the younger brother of Sanghyang Wenang. Bathara Darma has a sibling named Bathara Panyarikan. He has the duty to provide guidance, fatwas and teachings of virtue to the people in Arcapada (the world). In the world of puppetry, Batara Darma is not only a respected god, but also the father of Yudhistira or Puntadewa, one of the Pandawa figures.
AppearanceBatara Darma lived his life as a crippled human born from a sudra woman, due to a curse by Resi Animandaya. Finally, to carry out the curse, Batara Darma incarnated in Yamawidura, Abiyasa's youngest son who was born from a palace maid named Drati.
CollectionPrivate collection

Darma – (Batara) – Ramayana, Mahabharata

Batara Darma is the god of justice who is tasked with maintaining justice and truth. He is actually the father of Yudhistira or Puntadewa. Batara Darma's presence in the world cannot be separated from the call of Dewi Kunti who had Aji Adityarhedaya, a magical spell that connects them.

Once, in carrying out his duty to maintain justice, Batara Darma acted unwisely, so he was cursed by Resi Animandaya. The powerful hermit felt that he was being treated unfairly and when he later demanded justice, Batara Darma was unable to provide a satisfactory answer. Because of the curse, Batara Darma had to live his life as a crippled human born from a sudra woman. Finally, to carry out the curse, Batara Darma incarnated in Yamawidura, Abiyasa's youngest son who was born from a palace maid named Drati. In this form, Batara Darma continued his role in maintaining justice, especially when Dewi Drupadi, Puntadewa's wife, was about to be humiliated by the Kurawa.

Thanks to the help of Batara Darma and Batara Brama, Drupadi was protected and managed to maintain her honor. At that time, after the Pandawas lost a gambling game because of Sengkuni's cleverness and cunning. Dewi Drupadi who was considered a bet turned out to be won by the Kurawas. In front of many people, Dursasana tried to remove the cloth worn by Drupadi but failed. Every time the cloth worn was removed from Drupadi's body, at that time there was always a new cloth covering the body of Yudhistira's wife. This was because of Betara Darma's help.

Towards the end of the Pandawa's exile in the Kamiyaka Forest, Batara Darma came to test Yudhistira's sense of justice, his son. The god disguised himself as the king of Gandarwa and asked various test questions to Yudhistira which turned out to be answered satisfactorily. At that time, Yudhistira was told to choose which of his younger siblings would be revived, Yudhistira answered with mature consideration of justice. Because Yudhistira's answers were always satisfactory, the gandarwa changed form back into Batara Darma, and Yudhistira's four younger brothers were revived.

Before the Pandavas died, Batara Darma transformed into Yudhistira's pet dog who succeeded in guiding King Puntadewa/Yudhistira into Swargaloka. On that journey, only Yudhistira and the dog reached the peak of the Himalayas and finally reached the gates of heaven. However, when Yudhistira was about to enter heaven, the guard of the gate of heaven, the dog was forbidden to enter. Because of the rejection, Yudhistira protested. He did not want to enter heaven that did not value loyalty. At that time, the dog transformed back into Batara Darma.

In the Lokapala era, Bathara Darma was incarnated by Prabu Lokawana, tasked with providing fatwas on the order of civilization to humans and the giant group.

In the Ramayana era, he was incarnated by Prabu Banaputra, the king of Ayodya.

Then incarnated by Raden Bharata, the son of Prabu Dasarata with Dewi Kekayi, tasked with providing teachings on the rights and obligations that are owned and carried out by individuals in the order of social life.

While in the Mahabharata era, Bathara Darma was incarnated by Prabu Puntadewa/Yudhistira, the king of Amarta, tasked with providing examples of virtuous behavior in social and state life.

Blog: Hadisukirno – Yogyakarta – 2012