Bima Jadi Raja - (Wayang Kulit)

From wiki-indonesian-art
Young Bima (Werkudara) becomes King
Bima jadi raja.png

TitleBima Jadi Raja - Prabu - Mahabharata
Other names
Size55 cm
Personal data
CollectionPrivate collection

Bima Jadi Raja - Prabu - Mahabharata[edit | edit source]

One day, Krishna, who was the king of the Dwarawati country, came to the Ngamarta kingdom. He was invited by Yudhistira or Puntadewa. Both of them felt very missed because they had not seen each other for almost a long time. There, the two of them asked about each other's news and asked each other about the state of their respective kingdoms. Puntadewa said that while he was in charge of the Ngamarta Kingdom he did not experience any difficulties. Things went smoothly and did not encounter any obstacles, and he also hoped that Krishna could also be like that, namely smoothly in managing his kingdom.

Apart from Kresna, at the same place were also present Arjuna, Werkudara (young Bima), Nakula and also Sadewa. But then Krishna realized that at that time Puntadewa was not feeling well. His face looked gloomy and he was sad. After Krishna asked, it turned out he was thinking about something. He said that he had received an idea from the gods that in his kingdom, namely Ngamarta, "kepethetan srikitriratening donya kumalane good fortune" would be sent down. That means that in the Kingdom of Ngamarta there will come abundant glory which will make the kingdom prosperous, cheap, food and clothing, rich in riches, you know, Jinawi. But all of this doesn't just come, there are certain conditions that must be met to obtain it.

The condition for this gift to come is that Werkudara or Bratasena must temporarily become queen (king) in the Ngamarta Kingdom. Puntadewa had repeatedly told Bratasena to do it, but he always refused. Finally, Puntadewa left it all to Krishna, so that he would persuade Bratasena to become king. But it still doesn't work. Bratasena said that if he wanted to be king it would have been a long time ago after he cut down the forest to become the Ngamarta Kingdom, but in fact he didn't want to and instead ordered Puntadewa to be king.
There Puntadewa also explained that if Bratasena did not want to become king then the kingdom would suffer. Not long after, Patih Haryo Tambak Ganggeng and Patih Haryo Tambak Yuda came to inform Puntadewa that the revelation of "kepethetan srikitriratening donya kumalane rejeki" had come to the Ngamarta Kingdom. Hearing this, Puntadewa immediately forced Bratasena to immediately become king of the kingdom so that the revelation would not be lost. But Bratasa still refused. Finally, because Puntadewa felt hopeless, he then said that he would rather die following his father Pandu than live life like this. Hearing this, Bratasena then melted his heart. He then agreed to Puntadewa's request that he temporarily become king in the Ngamarta Kingdom. Not long afterward Puntadewa went to pray to the Almighty so that the revelation revealed in the Ngamarta kingdom could last. Sena asked Krishna to be willing to teach her how to become a queen (king) and how to be patient. After gaining knowledge about how to become a king, Sena then made a rule, namely that citizens could not marry more than 3.

One day there was a messenger or ambassador from a magical country, namely the Tawang Madya Tawang country, whose name was Patih Bramastha. He was sent by Prabu Dewa Kusuma. Patih Bramastha asked whether this was really the kingdom of Ngamartalaya and its queen Puntadewa. Sena announced that from now on the queen of Ngamarta had changed. Patih Bramastha gave a letter to Sena from Dewa Kusuma. Werkudara really can't write, he doesn't understand writing at all, but he is very good at reading because he took sawab from Candra Kirana's bracelet. Prabu Dewa Kusuma asked for the sacrifice that would be made as a sacrifice in the Tawang Madya Tawang country. Sena thought that the governor was the destroyer/disruptor of the Ngamarta state. Janaka then swiftly took an object and threw it at Patih Bramastha, who was then dragged away by Gathotkaca.

Then Kresna asked why Patih Bramastha was taken out. Then Bratasena said that Patih Bramastha was ordered by the king to bring "kepethetan srikitriratening donya kumalane fortune". But instead Bratasena was praised by Kresna because he had created an image of the Ngamarta country which is famous for its karma and decency. But she didn't want to be blamed because from the start she refused to become queen because of her rude nature. Then Krishna advised Janaka to look after Gathotkaca, while to Bratasena, Nakula and Sadewa he said goodbye to return to his home.
Gathotkaca and Patih Bramastha then fought. Patih Bramastha was angry and said that the existing regulations in the Ngamarta country were bad. He only came because he was sent by the king but instead he encountered resistance like that. Then Gathotkaca explained that his arrival only brought problems. Then Gathotkaca told him to go home, but because Patih Bramastha still refused, they ended up fighting fiercely. Likewise with their two servants, namely Pakmujeni and Pakmundu.

Then Gathotkaca used the apitui spell, his weight was like steel, then in the fight Patih Bramastha lost and died because of Gathotkaca's supernatural powers. Then came Begawan Jinalmasakti, but then Patih Bramastha, who was originally dead, was revived and recovered. Then Patih Bramastha told Begawan that he had fought with Gathotkaca. Then there came Begawan Jinalmasakti, Celengsrengge (in the form of a boar) and Kalandanu (in the form of a cow) to discuss how to bring "kepethetan srikitri rataning donya kumalane rejeki" to Tawang Madya Tawang country.
Then Begawan said he would meet Gathotkaca, then after meeting Begawan he then gave a guess with a bet that if Gathotkaca couldn't answer then his throat would be cut. But it turned out that Begawan couldn't answer Gathotkaca's question. Then he just kept quiet, but inside he used the dark plot spell pangampar sewu kanggo nglawan Gathotkaca. Then he came to Krishna. It turns out that there he was forbidden by Krishna to continue the war with Begawan Jinalmasakti because he was no match for him. Begawan Jinalmasakti has the spell of the dark plot of pangampar sewu and can only be fought with someone who also has the spell, namely Bratasena, his father, Kendalisada and also Anoman. But because a queen was forbidden from fighting, then Krishna asked Anoman to help Gathotkaca to fight Begawan Jinalmasakti and return the Begawan to his country because he was the one who had rejected the spell.
Then Anoman met Begawan Jinalmasakti and then fought fiercely. Apart from that, there Anoman also fought with celengsrengge and also kalandanu who were students of Begawan Jinalmaskti. There then Anoman was able to win the fight. Then Anoman told Kresna that he had succeeded in defeating Begawan Jinalmasakti and sent him home. But he did not return home because he had lost, but he returned home to gather strength to fight the Pandhawa.

On the other hand, Abimanyu met Semar and Bagong. There he said that he was ordered by his father, Arjuna, to guard and protect the Ngamarta kingdom. There he said that now Ngamarta had received a gift, but the condition was that Bratasena had to be queen for a while. Therefore, he asked for help from Semar and Bagong to participate in maintaining the security of the Ngamarta state. Then the king of the Tawang Madya Tawang country, namely Prabu Dewa Kusuma, came and met Abimanyu. There, Abimanyu asked what the purpose of Prabu Dewa Kusuma's arrival was. Then he answered that he was there because he wanted to bring the Pandhawa's "kepethetan Srikitri Ratuning Donya Kumalane fortune". Because Abimanyu was given the task of maintaining state security, he then ordered Prabu Dewa Kusuma to leave. But because Dewa Kusuma refused, a dispute arose between them. Likewise with their servants.
After that, Begawan Jinalmasakti appeared to meet Prabu Dewa Kusuma. There he gave advice to Dewa Kusuma to fight Abimanyu, Bagong and Semar with aji-aji plot. One by one, they were then defeated by Prabu Dewa Kusuma. Then Begawan Jinalmasakti returned to meet Prabu Dewa Kusuma. There he said that the one who was very difficult to beat was Anoman, because he also had a starting point for this spell.

Then Begawan Jinalmasakti told him that in order to bring "kepethetan srikitriratening donya kumalane fortune" he must first destroy the pandhawa. Then Dewa Kusuma had the idea to go to space and ask for help from Dasakumara who was in the mountain. He then said that he really wanted to take away Pandhawa's "kepethetan srikitriratening donya kumalane fortune" but he faced many obstacles. Prabu Dewa Kusuma asked Dasakumara to help him defeat Pandhawa. If he succeeds, he will be given a prize, namely being able to marry Arjuna's wife, who is the Pandhawa's guardian, namely Dewi Rara Ireng/Bratajaya, who is the incarnation of Shinta. According to Begawan Jinalmasakti, Dewa Kusuma is indeed very resourceful. Dasakumara met Anoman in a war. However, neither of them won. Dasakumara still can't accept that he hasn't defeated Anoman like he did in the Antarayana era. Dasakumara will be included in Mount Siyem again. Anoman will not let go of Dasakumara before being ruled by the incarnation of Bethara Rama Dwarawati Narendra, namely Bathara Kresna. Dasakumara boasted that nothing could stop him from destroying the Ngamarta country. He looked for Pandhawa to hand over Kepethetan Srikitri Ratuning Donya Kumalaning Rejeki, otherwise Pandhawa would suffer harm.

The queen of the Tawang Madya Tawang country, namely Prabu Dewa Kusuma, asked Arjuna to make a way for her to bring Kepethetan Srikitri Ratuning Donya Kumalaning Fortune. Nanging Arjuna still didn't want to. Then the two went to war. Arjuna is hit by Pethak's spell. Werkudara who is doing meditation in the kedaton should not be disturbed so that he finishes doing his meditation. So don't ask her to be temporary queen of the Ngamarta country. Begawan Jinalma magically released the Cakra weapon to Krishna. In war, Chakra weapons can be rejected. Kresna finally asked for a period of 10 days or a maximum of one month. If there is no decision then Dasakumara can take Kepethetan Srikitri Ratuning Donya Kumalaning Rejeki.
At the Glagah Binangun or Glagah Binatal hermitage there is a Bela Praja begawan who likes to meditate and whose words are effective. Likes to help without expecting anything in return. Raden Angka Wiijaya went to the hermitage to learn from the begawan Bela Praja. Begawan Bela Praja gave Gelap Pengampar Sewu. It turns out that the priest Begawan Yasa is the incarnation of Begawan Abiyasa.

Kresna met his grandfather, Abiyasa. There there were Kresna, Werkudara and Janaka. Abiyasa said that Dewa Kusuma and the priest Yasa could only be defeated by Semar. Semar meets Dewa Kusuma. He said that his eyes were blind but his mind was not blind. Semar knew that they were Bethara Guru and Bethara Naradha and asked for an explanation as to why they had to disguise themselves. Bethara Guru said that his intention was to test whether Pandhawa was strong or not. If the Pandhawa are strong, they will have eternal happiness and be superior in the Baratayudha Jayabinangun war and the Kauravas will experience defeat. Bethara Guru also said that Patih Bramastha was the incarnation of Nethara Brama. Meanwhile, the 2 blind are Bethara Sambu and Bethara Temburu. Dasakumara was buried in Mount Siyem. This is all a test for Pendhawa who will receive the award of Kepethetan Srikitri Ratuning Donya Kumalaning Rejeki. Werkudara has become temporary queen in the country of Ngamarta and now her power has been returned to Puntadewa again.