Bilung - (Wayang Kulit)

From wiki-indonesian-art
Bilung - advisor to the antagonistic characters

TitleBilung - () - Mahabharata
Other namesBambang Sarawita
Size45 cm
Personal dataBilung is a small giant who is friends with Togog and always goes wherever they go. Every time he meets Petruk, he always challenges him to fight & makes a kukuruyuk sound like a rooster. But once he is hit by Petruk, he immediately loses & cries.
AppearanceBilung has a proud character, sometimes brave but whiny. Bilung appears during perang kembang (flowers battle) scene in the second part (patet sanga) of a traditional all-night wayang kulit performance as a servant of Cakil. Bilung plays the role of a Punakawan who sides with the enemy.
CollectionPrivate collection

Bilung – () – Mahabharata

Bilung is an advisor to the antagonistic characters of puppet stories, especially the Mahabharata. Together with Togog, he became an advisor to antagonistic figures who mostly took the form of monsters.

Togog always gives good advice to his masters, but if his advice is not heeded by his masters, then Bilung will immediately hit him with bad advice. And as a result, the monsters will follow the wrong path shown by Bilung and they will get destroyed or die.

Once upon a time, it was told that he fell in love with Rara Temon, the daughter of King Krishna. He wanted to marry Rara Temon, he then asked Togog's help to realize his intention of marrying Rara Temon. Togog, who has a loving and flexible heart, is finally ready to help Bilung. With Togog's magic, Bilung was transformed into a handsome knight and given the name Bambang Tejokusumo, and Togog himself transformed himself into Begawan Sabarsabdono. Both of them went to Dwarapati Palace, the residence of Prabu Krishna. With Togog's loyalty, the guardians of the keputren hit Aji Sirep so that the two could easily enter the keputren and steal Roro Temon. The Dwarawati Palace was also in turmoil because of the loss of one of the princesses of the palace. Finally Prabu Krishna asked for Semar's help to chase and save his princess. Semar immediately chased after Bambang Tejokusuma and Begawan Sabarsabdono who brought Rara Temon. Semar blocked their way and he immediately knew that the two men were Bilung and Togog. Semar also told the two that Rara Temon was actually Dewi Siti Sundari in disguise and that she had become the sister of Ambimanyu, Arjuna's son.
Begawan Sabarsabdono alias Togog also realized and admitted his mistake of stealing people's wives. He then returned to his original form of Togog. Bambang Tejokusumo also changed back to Bilung. Rara Temon alias Dewi Siti Sundari was then entrusted to Semar. The two then said goodbye to Semar and returned to Padukuhan Pringsewu.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka – 1982
Blog: Hadisukirno – Yogyakarta - 2011