Kartamarma – (Raden) – Mahabharata
At important moments, Kartamarma was chosen as the leading warrior. In the Bratayuda War, Kartamarma was always successful.
Until the end of the Baratayuda War, Kartamarma still secretly led the remnants of Astina's army. He did not die on the battlefield of Bharatayuda.
During the Bharatayuda war, he ran away with Bambang Aswatama to the forest until the end of Bharatayuda war. When the war was over, Aswatama was determined to kill the Pendawa relatives. Kartamarma participated, but after Aswatama died, he fled, met Wrekodara (Bima) and was killed by this knight when he and Aswatama sneaked into the Astina state palace with the intention of kidnapping and killing the baby Parikshit, Abimanyu's son with Dewi Utari.
In history, it is explained that Kartamarma's softness (sukma) was transformed into a brengkutis (a kind of insect) that always surrounded itself with dirt.
Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982