Wayang Golek
Title | Wayang Golek |
Subtitle | De facinerende wereld van het klassieke West-Javaanse poppenspel |
Category | Wayang |
Author | Peter Buurman |
Publisher | A.W. Sijthoff, Amsterdam |
Published | 1980 |
Language | Dutch |
ISBN-ASIN | 9789021827186 |
One of the many expressions of the wayang play is wayang golek purwa, the classical West Javanese puppet play. This uses three-dimensional puppets, carved from wood and beautifully painted and dressed.
This book provides a general introduction to the wayang play and then discusses the above-mentioned form in detail. The first part provides an overview of the history, the way of performing, of carvers and players and of the epic poems that served as a starting point for the wayang play. The second part provides a complete overview of the types of puppets; something that has not been done before in the existing literature on this subject. All types are provided with a clear drawing, as well as a description that refers to the story in which they appear and the role they play in it. This book is a valuable possession for every collector.