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Setyaki - son of King Setyajid
Setyaki 02.jpg

TitleSetyaki - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other namesBimakunting, Arya Lesanpura, Satyaki, Sencaki, Sinusuta, Padmanagara, Singa Mulangjaya, Wresniwira, Wresniwangsa, Yuyudana
Size65 cm
Personal dataSencaki, better known as Setyaki, is the son of King Setyajid and Dewi Wersini. Setyaki married to Dewi Karsini and is the brother-in-law of Kresna, who is an ally of the Pandawa and king of Dwarawati. Setyaki had ten sons who were all killed by Burisrawa during the Bharatayudha war. Setyaki is general of Dwarawati.
AppearanceQuite short-tempered.
CollectionPrivate collection

Setyaki - (Raden) - Mahabharata

In the Javanese puppet version, Setyaki is the son of Satyajit, the king of the Lesanpura kingdom with Warsini. Satyajit is the youngest brother of Basudewa and Kunti. And this means, Setyaki is the cousin of Krishna and the Pandavas.

In Javanese wayang, it is said that when Warsini was pregnant, she dreamed of going on an excursion riding a white tiger. To fulfill his wife's wishes, Satyajit invited his nephews, namely Krishna, Baladewa and the Pandavas to help. Of all his nephews who were summoned, the one who managed to catch the white tiger was Krishna. However, it turned out that the white tiger was the incarnation of Singamulangjaya, the governor of the Swalabumi kingdom. He was sent by Prabu Satyasa to kidnap Warsini, the white tiger that was the incarnation of Singamulangjya immediately took Warsini away after Satyaki's wife got on his back. As the person most responsible for this incident, Kresna immediately went after Singamulangjaya. Meanwhile, in the middle of the journey, Singamulangjaya tried to remove the contents of Warsini's contents by force. The baby born to Warsini did not die as Singamulangjaya had hoped, but the baby actually grew bigger after being beaten. The baby Warsini then turned into a young man and killed Singamulangjaya. The late Singamulangjaya also merged into the youth.

The baby who had become a young man in an instant was given the name Satyaki by his mother, Warsini. Krishna who was looking for Warsini who was taken away by the white tiger incarnate Singamulangjaya, finally found the mother and child, Warsini and Satyaki. Krishna and Satyaki then attacked together and succeeded in killing King Satyasa. Satyaki then occupied the kingdom of Swalabumi as his domain. Satyaki has an older sister named Satyaboma. Once Satyaboma was proposed by Drona with the support of the Kauravas. The aim of this proposal was to make the Lesanpura Kingdom an ally of the Hastina kingdom. But before that, Satyaki announced that if Drona wanted to marry his sister he had to defeat him first.

One by one the Korawa advanced but none succeeded in defeating Satyaki, and neither did Drona. Arjuna finally came forward on behalf of his teacher, Drona. To fight Arjuna, Satyaki asked Krishna for help. Kresna lent the Wijayakusuma flower to Satyaki. With the heirloom lent by Krishna, Satyaki managed to ward off Arjuna's attack and succeeded in defeating him. It turned out that Krishna himself had feelings for Setyaboma and he also proposed to Satyaki's older brother. Krishna and Satyak's fight continues and ultimately the victory belongs to Krishna, and that means he has the right to marry Setyaboma. From the marriage of Krishna and Setyaboma, a son was born who was named Satyaka.

Satyaki had a son named Sangasanga, the result of his marriage to Trirasa. Sangasanga was also still alive after the Bharatayudha war. Sangsanga then succeeded his father as king of the Lesanpura kingdom after the death of Satyajit and Satyaki. He also served as commander of the Hastina kingdom during the reign of Parikshit, Arjuna's grandson from his son Abimanyu.

In Bharatayudha, Satyaki sides with the Pandavas. Satyaki's role appeared prominent on the 14th day when he was tasked by Arjuna to protect Yudhistira from Drona's attack. On the 14th day, Arjuna went looking for Jayadrata, which on the 13th day caused his beloved son Abimanyu to die in the Kurukhsetra field. Meanwhile, Satyaki, according to Arjuna's mandate, protects Yudhistira from Drona who wants to capture the eldest Pandava as a hostage. However, Yudhistira then ordered Satayaki to follow and help Arjuna. Satyaki also broke through the Korawa ranks, causing countless deaths. Satyaki then faced Burisrawa. As time went on, Satyaki became more and more tired until finally he fainted. In a fainted state, Burisrawa with a sword on his ladder was ready to end Satyaki's life.

Arjuna, who was riding in the chariot with Krishna as the driver, was approaching Jayadratha's hiding place. However, Krishna asked him to turn to help Satyaki. At first Arjuna refused because it was against the rules. However, Krishna managed to convince Arjuna that it was his duty to help Satyaki who had taken the trouble to help him. Arjuna finally shot Burisrawa's arm until it broke off. Burisrawa was shocked and accused Arjuna of cheating. Arjuna denied it because Burisrawa himself wanted to kill Satyaki while he was unconscious and he also joined in ganging up on Abhimanyu. Hearing this, Burisrawa realized his mistake. He sat down to meditate but suddenly Satyaki realized and immediately killed Burisrawa with Burisrawa's arm which was still holding the sword. However, in other versions it is stated that Satyaki killed Burisrawa using the Mangekabhama sword, Nagabanda arrow and Wesikuning mace.

Satyaki was also the only Pandava ally besides Krishna who was still alive after Bharatayudha ended. In the Mahabharata version Satyaki is the prince of Satyaka, the prince of Sini. This is the leader of the Wresni race who proposes to Devaki for Basudewa who is none other than Krishna's father. 36 years after the Bharatayudha ended, the Wresni and Yadawa held a ceremony on the beach of Pramanakoti. They also had a drunken party. In a state of unconsciousness, Satyaki taunts Kretawarma who used to be on the side of the Kauravas, who attacked the Pandava camp at night. On the other hand, Kretawarma also mocked Satyaki who killed Burisrawa on the sly. In a very drunken state, Satyaki killed Kretawarma. As a result, the people at the party were divided into two, who ended up killing each other.

Blog: Hadisukirno – Yogyakarta - 2012