Kakrasana - (Wayang Kulit)

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Kakrasana - son of Prabu Basudewa

TitleKakrasana - (Raden) - Mahabharata
Other names
Size41 cm
Personal dataRaden Kakrasana, son of Prabu Basudewa from his marriage to Dewi Rohini. When he reigned as king in Madura, he was named Prabu Baladewa. Actually Kakrasana is not Nayarana's twin brother, they actually have different mothers, Kakrasana is the son of Dewi Rohini and Nayarana the son of Dewi Dewani. This goddess after giving birth, died. In Javanese, this is called konduran death. So Nayarana's baby was breastfed by Kakrasana's mother. That is why the two babies were thought to be twins. Kakrasana is white while Narayana has a black skin. Kakrasana is the incarnation of Hyang Basuki, namely the Snake God.
AppearanceHis character is tough and easily angered, but his anger quickly subsides. He has long eyes, a nose and a complete face (sembada). Berjamang with the eagle looking back. Hair loose in a plain (normal) shape. He wears a crescent moon necklace, indicating that he is still a young knight. Wristed, pontohed and croaking. Katongan (royal) cloth. Raden Kakrasana berwanda: 1. Kilat, 2. Sembada and 3. Bangbang wetan.
CollectionPrivate collection

Kakrasena - (Raden) - Mahabharata[edit | edit source]

Kakrasana in his youth he became a priest, named Wasi Jaladara. He became a priest because he left his country, which was ruled by a giant knight. named Raden Kangsa. Kangsa was always looking for him to kill him, because Kangsa thought he was someone who would run rampantly over the land of Madura. When he became a priest, he was very alert, calm, and famous as a powerful priest. Jaladara's vigilance was able to find out magical items, until he was able to find a daughter of the Madraka king named Dewi Herawati who was stolen by Raden Kartawiyoga, the son of a giant king named Karondageni in the land of Tirtakandasan. Finally, the princess became the wife of Wasi Jaladara, who later reigned in the country of Madura.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka – 1982