Subadra - (Wayang Kulit)

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File:Subadra - 231-1.jpg
Subadra - daughter of Prabu Basudewa

TitleSubadra - (Dewi) - Mahabharata
Other namesBratajaya, Lara (Rara) Ireng, Sumbadra
Size60 cm
Personal dataDewi Subadra is the daughter of Prabu Basudewa, the king of Mandura state from the consort Dewi Rohini/Dewi Badrahini. Dewi Subadra has 4 siblings other than her mother, namely; Kakrasana and Narayana from Dewi Mahindra/Maerah (Ped. Java), Kangsa, from Ibu Dewi Mahira/Maekah - (Kangsa is actually the son of Dewi Mahira with the giant Gorawangsa who impersonated/changed into a fake King Basudewa and played in love with Dewi Mahira), Udawa , from Ken Sagupi's mother, a swaraswati of the Mandura Palace. Dewi Subadra is believed to be an incarnation of Bathari Sri Widowati, the wife of Bathari Vishnu.
AppearanceDewi Subadra has the character; loyal, generous, kind, patient and polite (always with good manners), charming/loving and easily offended.
CollectionPrivate collection

Subadra - (Dewi) - Mahabharata

Dewi Subadra married Raden Arjuna, a Pandava warrior, son of Prabu Pandu, king of the Astina country with Dewi Kunti, and was blessed with a son who was named Angkawijaya/Abimanyu. Dewi Subadra lives in Banoncinawi Park, Madukara Duchy, Amarta country.

At the end of this story, she died with the Pandawa family after Parikshit, Abimanyu's son with Dewi Utari, was crowned king of Astina replacing Prabu Kalimataya/Prabu Puntadewa.

Rara Ireng was the daughter of Rabu Basudewa, king of Madura. She is the incarnation of Dewi Sri, namely the female god Hyang Vishnu. After growing up, Rara Ireng named Dewi Wara Sumbadra, counted among the Bidadari race, until there is a saying that the number of Javanese language is one less than Sawiji, ten lakhs less than one about the number of Bidadari in Heaven and the deficiency of one is made up by adding Sumbadra. So it is also true that Sumbadra is counted as a nation of Bidadari. She married Raden Arjuna and had a son Raden Angkawijaya. This is the lineage of Pendawa who never gives birth to men.
Rara Ireng's history is strange. When he was a child he looked ugly. Her skin was black, so she was called Rara Ireng, the black girl. His hair is sparse and reddish. But gradually her ugly appearance changed and in the end she became the most beautiful princess. It is said in the story that Rara Ireng is not very beautiful, but when she gathers with princesses who are famous for their beauty, Rara Ireng surpasses all of them in beauty.
Rara Ireng is very patient. Even if she is angry, she shows a sweet smile. After getting married, she lived in harmony and peace with her husband, so that their lives were likened to a mimi and minuta fish, that is, a male and a female sea fish that are never separated.
But one day, because of Arjuna's fault, he became angry as well. The words spoken by Dewi Wara Sumbadra at that time, although subtle, were also felt by Arjuna as lightning struck. Dewi Wara Sumbadra once changed into a man who was very powerful, but in the end she was also defeated by Arjuna. When the Madura kingdom was damaged by Kangsa's actions, Rara Ireng hide in the village of Widarakandang. Because Kangsa found out, Rara Ireng fled and left the state of Madura, but was overtaken by a giant army. Luckily Rara Ireng was still able to save herself.
When Prabu Basudewa was still alive, Rara Ireng was once on his lap on the left and Raden Pamade on the right. Prabu Basudewa spoke that Rara Ireng must not marry anyone other than Pamade and Pamade must not marry anyone other than Rara Ireng. This word was witnessed by the Gods accompanied by supernatural signs. It turned out that King Basudewa's words were also true. Even though the match between Pamade and Rara Ireng encountered many obstacles, their marriage finally took place. Arjuna respects Rara Ireng, who, even though he is her cousin, is considered older by descent. But Arjuna's respect for Sumbadra was actually due to the wisdom of this princess, who, among other things, always angered Arjuna for reasons of truth.
Rara Ireng has a bun, waderan trim, jamang and pontoh, but after adulthood only jamang and no bangles and other decorations. It is said in the story that it was the first time. Raden Bunisrawa saw Rara Ireng when Raden Kakrasana (son of Prabu Basudewa) married Erawati, at which time Rara Ireng was invited as a bridesmaid. After seeing Rara Ireng, Burisrawa was crazy about the princess and he swore he would never marry anyone other than Rara Ireng.
In the play Sumbadra Larung, when Sumbadra went to bathe in the middle of the night, in the middle of the road he was stopped by Burisrawa who because of his happiness came to approach Sumbadra, but Sumbadra still did not want to be approached, which irritated Burisrawa and caused him to pull out his kerris to scare Sumbadra who, because he saw the dagger drawn, even rushed towards the dagger, hit and killed Sumbadra instantly. On the consideration of Prabu Krishna, Sumbadra's body was washed away in a boat carried by Silungangga.
It was said that Raden Antareja, son of Wrekodara, came out of the earth to face his father, saw the corpse of Wara Sumbadra and succeeded in reviving him. When Dewi Wara Sumbadra learned about Antareja's origins, she rejoiced, because Antareja was her own niece and then Antareja escorted her daughter. But when Gatotkaca, who was escorting from afar, saw a man approaching Sumbadra, he became angry, because he did not know that Antareja was his own relative and a war broke out between the two knights. Then Sumbadra explained that the two knights were brothers. The two brothers got back together and they accompanied Sumbadra back to Madukara, Arjuna's country.
Rara Ireng has squinty eyes, a pointed nose, and a calm face. Rivet bun and part of the hair unraveled. Revised and edited waderan. Ringed and sprouted. After becoming Wara Sumbadra, this princess no longer wanted to wear golden clothes and did not want to use manikam quality. Sumbadra berwanda: 1. Lentreng, 2. Parem, and 3. Rangkung. This third Wanda is written by Sri Sultan Agung.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka - 1982