Title | Cepot (Panakawan) - all stories |
Other names | Bagong, Bawor, Jamlaita, Astrajingga |
Size | 60 cm |
Personal data | The Panakawan are a Javanese addition to the original stories. Cepot, like Gareng and Petruk, are considered sons or younger companions of Semar. |
Appearance | Cepot suffers from long fingers and often wants to take things away. |
Collection | Private collection |
Cepot - (Panakawan) - all stories
Cepot is one of the Panakawan, the clowns of all wayang stories and the servants of the 'good' heroes. They are the only ones in the wayang game who do not have to stick to their text and are allowed to comment on everyday things and a little on politics. They are a Javanese addition to the stories.
Previously, Semar and Cepot appeared in episodes from the Ramayana, while Semar, Gareng and Petruk appeared in episodes from the Mahabrahata. This distinction, which originated from dalang traditions in Central Java, has now disappeared. Petruk, Gareng and Cepot sometimes disguise themselves as kings or knights. In that case, a knight or king's puppet is usually used to represent this disguise. But there are also dolls in which the head of Gareng, Petruk or Cepot is combined with the headdress of a nobleman. (See doll M31)