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Citraksa – (Raden) – Mahabharata

Whether Citraksa and Citraksi are twins or not, is unknown. What is more, their wayangs are almost the same. As if they were twins. Their faces are the same. When they talk to each other, they get a lot of attention. They cluck like a chicken, their voices often don't have a clear voice. They are all awkward, their noses are wrinkled, and they are always looking at each other, Citraksa is different from his siblings.

In ancient wayang performances, Citraksa and/or Citraksi usually appear in the scene of the outer court. When Patih Sengkuni arrives, they accompany the appearance of Dursasana, Kartamarma, Durmagati, Astawama, and Jayadratha. Citraksa-Citraksi with a bird's eye view, with a sense of humor after hearing the news about the importance of negotiating the great treaty. If the Astina army sets out.

Citraksa speaks with a stutter, but likes to brag that he is a Prince and in addition he likes to curse.
Swearing is actually not a reprehensible act. For half of the people, cursing actually seems fast and if people are used to cursing, it is difficult to get rid of that habit.

The green face, in turn, is also a description or sign that this warrior has a fierce nature. His arrogance is at best just to compensate for the fact that he actually has no power.
So it is not a new reputation that nowadays puppeteers are said to be clever and many people like to fight, it is actually not a new reputation, people have already lost the reputation of Citraksa.

Unlike Kartamarma , Dursasana , Astawatama , and Jayadratha whose knights are always mentioned in Bayutinalang, Banjarjumput, Padhanyangan, and Banakeling, the knighthood of Citraksa-Citraksi is less well known. The last chapter of the history of the Kaurava warriors, whose stories are often made into jokes, is that during the Batarayuda war, he died at the hands of Arjuna's furious back after Abhimanyu was stabbed repeatedly by the Kauravas, including Citraksa.
Arjuna's sign was Ngedab-edapi, and Citraksa finally died due to Arjuna's attack.

Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka – 1982