Citraksi – (Raden) – Mahabharata
Whether Citraksi and Citraksa are twins or not, is unknown. What is more, their wayangs are almost the same. As if they were twins. Their faces are the same. When they talk to each other, they get a lot of attention. They cluck like a chicken, their voices often don't have a clear voice. They are all awkward, their noses are wrinkled and they are always looking at each other.
In ancient wayang performances, Citraksi and Citraksa usually appear in the scene of the outer court. When Patih Sengkuni arrives, they accompany the appearance of Dursasana, Kartamarma, Durmagati, Astawama, and Jayadratha. Citraksa-Citraksi with a bird's eye view, with a sense of humor after hearing the news about the importance of negotiating the great treaty. If the Astina army sets out.
In terms of the birth of the Korawa people, Astina is actually more noble than the Pendawa people, because Astina is a large and rich kingdom. But viewed from the inside, the glory of the Korawa is far below the glory of the Pendawa.
This character is not very important puppet, but when he does appear, his older brothers are always bullying him. Citraksi only appears during the outer scene of Astina kingdom with his other brothers. Puppeteers use this puppet during the outer scene as a comedian. One example of his humor is when the soldiers are leaving the kingdom on horseback, he rides his bike.
During the Baratayuda war, Citraksi appeared to lead the Kurawa army under the command of the war commander, Prabu Salya, king of the Mandaraka country. Citraksi together with his five brothers, namely; Adityaketu, Bimarata, Bimawega, Halayuda and Jalasuma, died in the war against Arya Utara, the Pandawa war commander, son of Prabu Matswapati from the Wirata country.
Source: History of Wayang Purwa - Hardjowirogo - PN Balai Pustaka – 1982