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[[File:Rahwana 01 - 595.jpg|thumb|''Rahwana - son of Begawan Bisrawa'']]
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Revision as of 21:18, 10 February 2024

Rahwana - son of Begawan Bisrawa
Rahwana 02 - 595.jpg

TitleRahwana - (Prabu) Arjuna Sasra Bahu - Ramayana
Other namesDasamuka, Dasasya, Dasakumara, Dasasuksma, Godayitma
Size65 cm
Personal dataRahwana is the son of Begawan Bisrawa and Dewi Sukesi, a giantess from Alengka. He is born with ten faces. He is married to Dewi Tari, daughter of Wisnu.
AppearanceRahwana is ill-tempered, greedy, cruel, ambitious, proud and rough. Never keeps his promise. As long as his body touches the ground he cannot be killed.
CollectionPrivate collection

Rahwana - (Prabu) Arjuna Sasra Bahu - Ramayana

In the Ramayana story , one of the most famous antagonists is Ravana or Dasamuka. Prabu Dasamuka was the king of the Alengka Kingdom. He is the eldest son of Begawan Wisrawa and Dewi Sukesi. Dasamuka ascended the throne to replace his grandfather, Prabu Subali. Ravana has characteristics that are considered a symbol of anger, greed and covetousness.
When she reached adulthood, with her father's permission, Dewi Sukesi held a competition to find a husband. The terms of the competition, whoever can explain the essence of the knowledge of Sastrajendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu , has the right to become Dewi Sukesi's husband. One of the applicants who took part in the competition was Begawan Wisrawa, who intended to propose to Dewi Sukesi for his son, Prabu Wisrawarna, king of the land of Lokapala. However, when Begawan Wisrawa taught this knowledge, Batara Guru and Dewi Uma intervened to prevent it. For the gods, spreading the knowledge of Sastrajendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu among humans is indeed prohibited.
To thwart the teaching of this knowledge, Batara Guru then infiltrated Begawan Wisrawa's body, while Dewi Uma possessed Dewi Sukesi's body. Begawan Wisrawa was also tempted by the beauty of Dewi Sukesi. Begawan Wisrawa's lust was so overwhelming that he forgot his main task of proposing to the Alengka princess for his son. An unexpected relationship occurs between the teacher and the student.

King Sumali was forced to marry the two of them to cover the shame. At first, Prabu Sumali's intentions were opposed by Jambumangli, the princess's cousin who apparently secretly loved Dewi Sukesi. But in the end, Jambumangli was brutally killed in a fight with Begawan Wisrawa. The child born from this forbidden relationship was Ravana. And from Begawan Wisrawa's marriage to Dewi Sukeso, Ravana's younger siblings were born, namely Kumabkarna, Sarpakenaka and Wibisana. Of the four brothers, only Wibisana is in human form, while the others are giants.

When they were young, the four of them meditated together on Mount Gohkarna for months. The four brothers agreed that they would not stop meditating until their goals and desires were achieved. As a result, heaven became shaken and made the gods and goddesses restless. Batara Narada immediately came down to the world to meet Begawan Wisrawa's four children. Batara Narada then asked what the purpose and purpose of their meditation was. Dasamuka asked that he be given extraordinary powers. He didn't want anyone or any creature to be able to defeat him. Kumbakarna asked that he be given a very long life. However, after being warned by Batara Narada, Kumbakarna changed his request, he wanted to always be able to eat deliciously and a lot, to be able to sleep soundly and for a long time. Goddess Sarpakenaka asked him to give vent to his lust as much as he wanted. Meanwhile, the youngest asked him to have the courage to state the ultimate truth and be brave enough to stand on the side of the truth.
The four brothers' request was granted by Batara Narada, after previously giving them a warning and the risks of their request. Apart from having extraordinary supernatural powers, Prabu Dasamuka also has an heirloom weapon called Kyai Candrasa. Ravana also mastered Aji Pancasona, which he obtained from his teacher, Resi Subali, a hermit monkey from Sonyapringga. Because he has Aji Pancasona, Ravana will not be able to die before he reaches his fate.
His acquaintance with Resi Subali began when one day Dasmuka lost strength while he was flying over the Sonyapringga Hermitage. After waking up from fainting due to the fall, Dasamuka was very angry and went on a rampage, destroying the hermitage. Ravana's actions clearly displeased Resi Subali. A fight broke out between the two. Many times Ravana succeeded in killing Resi Subali, but the hermit came back to life and came back to life. Finally Dasamuka gave up, and did not hesitate to prostrate himself and ask for forgiveness from Resi Subali.
After Resi Subali forgave him, Ravana did not hesitate to express his desire to learn from Resi Subali. The Rishi also taught Aji Pancasona to Ravana. However, because of his anger, after Ravana succeeded in controlling Aji Pancasona, he made a plan to eliminate his teacher. He didn't want anyone to compete with his supernatural powers, including his own teacher. In various ways, he pitted Resi Subali against his younger brother, Prabu Sugriwa, who became king of Guwakiskenda, so that the two brothers became enemies. King Alengka sent his men named Sukrasana with the task of fighting the sheep of Subali and Sugriva. The task was carried out well, until the brothers and sisters fought each other. Resi Subali finally died after Sugriwa got Ramawijaya's help.

One day, Prabu Dasamuka met Dewi Widawati, the daughter of Begawan Wersapati. Dewi Widawati's beauty made Prabu Dasamuka intoxicated. Immediately he proposed to the daughter of Dewi Sri, but Dewi Widawati rejected his proposal. Because Dasamuka continued to insist, Dewi Sri chose to commit suicide by committing suicide. Dewi Widawati's actions really made Dasamuka angry and disappointed. He also vowed that he would continue to try to marry the next incarnation of Dewi Sri. From Begawan Maryuta, a powerful Brahmin who he managed to defeat, Ravana managed to get information that Dewi Sri would appear again four times in the world. First he incarnated Dewi Citrawati, the consort of Arjunasasrabahu, then Dewi Sukasalya, Prabu Dasarata's wife, then Dewi Sinta, Ramawijaya's wife and finally Dewi Sri incarnated Wara Subadra, Arjuna's wife.
When he learned that the king of Ayodya, Prabu Banaputra, had a beautiful daughter named Dewi Sukasalya, Ravana immediately came to propose to her. However, Dasamuka was too late, Dewi Sukasalya had already been taken away by Begawan Rawatmaja, at Prabu Banaputra's request. As a result, Ravana was furious and King Banaputra was killed. The Ayodya Palace was destroyed and after that he went after Begawan Rawatmaja and Sukasalya. Ravana managed to catch up with them. Begawan Rawatmaja tried to fight to protect the Goddess, but his supernatural powers could not match Prabu Dasamuka. The hermit finally fell. However, while the fighting was going on, Dewi Sukasalya managed to escape and then met Begawan Dasarata (Prabu Dasarata). The goddess asked Begawan Dasarata for protection. After successfully killing Begawan Rawatmaja, Ravana succeeded in chasing Dewi Sukasalya who was already with Begawan Dasarata. Prabu Dasarata requested that Dewi Sukasalya be handed over to him.
At that critical moment, Batara Guru came and asked Dewi Sukasalya to hand over Sukasalya's hair bun flowers to be created into a princess very similar to Dewi Sukasalya. The make-believe princess was really similar to Dewi Sukasalya, whom Dasamuka eventually brought back to Alengka. He was satisfied, because he thought the make-believe princess was really the goddess Sukasalya. Arriving in Alengka, King Dasamuka began to seduce the fake Dewi Sukasalya. However, the person he was seducing remained silent, giving no reaction. Dasamuka was angry and said, "Why are you silent like a dead thing?" Because Dasamuka was very powerful, with his words, the fake Sukasalya immediately died.
Dasamuka's anger became increasingly intense. The furious king blamed the gods, who he considered to be the directors of the disappointment he continued to experience. Without thinking too much, he immediately gathered his senapati and his giant army set out to attack the heaven of Suralaya. Cingkara and Balautapa, two gatekeepers of Selamatangkep heaven, were overwhelmed by it. Batara Indra was forced to come to see Prabu Dasamuka. To that god, Batara Indra conveyed his protest against the death of the fake Dewi Sukasalya. Batara Indra answered that Sukasalya's death was because of the powerful words spoken by Dasamuka himself. Batara Indra's explanation did not satisfy Dasamuka. Ravana demanded that Dewi Sri be handed over to him. But his demands were clearly rejected by the gods. As a result, fighting broke out. The heavenly army called dorandara under the leadership of Batara Citrasena and Batara Prajapati apparently failed to repel the troops of the Alengka kingdom.
In fact, Ravana's troops captured Batara Wiswakrama and his daughter, Dewi Sayempraba. The gods were completely overwhelmed, until finally Batara Narada was forced to make a peace agreement so that Ravana would stop his attack. The gods finally presented three other angels as Dewi Sri's replacement. The three angels are the Goddess of Dance, the Goddess Aswani and the Goddess Triwati. For a while, Ravana accepted Batara Narada's offer. Bringing the three angels as princesses, Dasamuka ordered his troops to return to Alengka.
Of the three angels, Dasamuka only took the Goddess of Dance as his wife. The other two angels were given to their younger siblings. Kumbakarna got Dewi Aswani and Wibisana got Dewi Triwati. When the Goddess of Dance was pregnant, the astrologer of the country of Alengka predicted that the baby that would be born to the Goddess of Dance, when she grew up, would be chased by the king of Alengka to become his wife. If that happens, a major disaster will befall the entire country of Lanka. Gunawan Wibisana who heard the prediction became anxious, especially when it turned out that Dewi Tari really gave birth to a baby girl. He acted quickly. With the permission of the Dance Goddess, he took the baby who then put it in a kendaga box and was equipped with kupat sinta, then the baby was washed away in the river.
To replace the baby he threw away, Wibisana then worshiped and begged the gods to give him a baby boy. The gods granted the wish. From a cloud, he created a baby boy. The baby was later identified as Dasamuka's child, named Indrajit alias Megananda. While the baby girl who was swept away, was found and raised as a child by Prabu Janaka, the king of Mantili. The baby was named Dewi Sinta. Later after growing up, Sinta married Ramawijaya, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Ayodya.
At first, Prabu Dasamuka did not believe that the baby boy he was claiming was his son. Prabu Dasamuka was sure that the baby born by Dewi Tari was a girl. Therefore, without any pity, Ravana threw the baby boy to the floor. But miraculously, the baby did not die but grew big. Many times Dasamuka slammed it furiously and many times the baby grew bigger until finally it fought back.

Ravana felt overwhelmed by this magical baby, so he was forced to recognize the baby as his child. He even really loved the child who was later named Indrajit. Dasamuka's furious nature is getting worse day by day. When he heard that the king of Lokapala, who was actually still considered the older brother of one father and another mother, had a magical heirloom called Gandik Emas and an extraordinarily beautiful Golden Chariot. Dasamuka demanded that the Gandik Emas and Golden Carriage be handed over to him. The King of Lokapala, Prabu Wisrawana refused, so a duel broke out between the two. However, Prabu Wisrawana was finally saved by Batara Narada. King Lokapala was rushed to heaven. Rahwana also managed to take the Gandik Emas heirloom and the Kencana Chariot.

Blog: Hadisukirno - Yogyakarta - 2012